I need advice


Esteemed Member
I finally met my neighbor & he agreed to let me take out this over grown hedge. I have planted one of Scott's mule palms half way up the drive. This shot faces south. Afternoon sun is some what blocked from an oak. I want to load with crotons. Stoked to have another area to plant out! I don't want to mess this space up as it's high profile.


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Brenda, You have a good eye for landscaping and you know what you want in the final look. I don't believe you will mess it up.
I have a 3 day weekend so I have a date with the sawzall. I have a couple cycads waiting in the wings and the stars of the space will hopefully be won at auction nov 1. Rick, that is a great pic! Electric! Today I came home with another car load of goodies. Mostly offsets of my original plants I shared with my friend a couple years back! Like seeing old friends again!
Is there access to the back yard on this side of the house? If your driveway will normally have two cars parked wide, you may want to keep access on the side for yard waste and trash barrels. Whether or not you'll be using this for utility makes a difference.
I have access to the back yard on either side of the house. Both are gated. This side is the 'pretty' side. I had pavers laid. It's the main access for guests when we're in back & is also access to a bath in the garage for pool guest use. The other side (east) side will be my utility area. I plan to install a shed and have a potting bench built. Any debris over flow will reside over there. I also have the option of paying for another dumpster but I am not there yet.
I've already opened my car door into the irrigation heads so I want to have them switched to drip heads. I will also have to keep the first foot off the driveway cleared so guests can exit there cars. This side is not without it's challenges. My main water line and the buried irrigation pipes will need work around too. Those 'shrubs' are a mixture of oak seedlins, junk trees, asparagus fern & sprouted sables. Oh & sprouted peanuts as my neighbor hand feeds the squirrels. :mad:
I like that medium sized (4-6"), dark green mondo grass that could work well for the one foot adjacent the driveway. Some areas could be made wider. I recently bought 300 1gal. at Mid Florida Nursery, better quality and cheaper than the big box stores.
I am not sure of IDs either. Maybe the guys will chime in. I've started to plant this strip with some canopy palms. Scott's mule and two double veitchia arecenas. I hesitate to plant much else yet. This area gets blasted by the north/east winds & I suspect we haven't had our last cold spell yet. I figure I will start planting once I return from Jamaica in a month.