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  • Hi Bren, You mentioned you were starting fresh & I have bunch you can have. Come & get them in the next few weeks or I'm doling them out to the neighbors. All potted up.

    Bren -
    Give me a call at 864 1588 and come get a nice 5 gal Col Lindbergh that just came out of the ground while I had a dead palm removed.
    Bren - when you get those crotons planted, save the pots and return them to me please - this fall or next spring or whenever. I'm always running short of them esp the 2 gal and up size.
    Phil 864 1588 pstager@tampabay.rr.com
    I'll do that. I imagine by spring, i will have tons more with all the space i need to fill. Thanks again!

    I've got scanned copies of the old Christian, Veitch and Reasoner's catalogues. Rather than bring copies to the meeting and kill a few trees in the process, I'd like to post them on the site somewhere. Any ideas?

    See you Saturday,

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