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  • Hi David,

    Would love to come down and visit. I would be happy to bring as many cordylines as you want. I have close to 100 different varieties of all size and color. If we don't get flooding this weekend, I should be ready to start to replace some of the plants that did not make it with crotons. Will you be around next weekend? I can go out and cut a bunch of cordylines before I come down.

    Talk to you soon,
    My email is so if you want to email some photos I can try posting them on your thread.
    Hi David,

    Just saw your message. I am driving down to Jeff's with my mom early tomorrow morning so I will be there around 7:30. I had hoped to take the day off from work today, but couldn't because we have a school talent show. I am hoping that there will still be a good selection. I will try to remember to give you a call tonight.

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