Fall Croton Meeting and Tour

Jeff Searle

Well-Known Member
I would like to officially ask to host a Croton meeting and tour at our garden in the fall, later this year. This upcoming November will be 3 years since the last one. I thought with the May 14th Tour at Mike's Garden here on the east coast will then allow a tour/garden meeting maybe sometime this summer back on the west coast.

Please let me know if this sounds good and any interest. Thanks,

I will make sure that I take the pictures of this Meeting / Tour. Still waiting for Ryan to post the photos of the May 14th Meeting / Tour at Mike Harris' garden. :rolleyes:
After looking at the calander, the date set for the November meeting will be on the 19th. The following weekend is Thanksgiving. So Phil, no more excuses, you have to come now. And just to let you all know, I'm trying to arrainge for a few special guest to attend. As we get closer, I'll throw a name or two out there when they comfirm.

I have an event at the Arboretum that day. What is the time of day for your tour and auction? If I go it will be late.
November 19th is just around the corner. I suspect this will be a very, very well attended Croton Garden Tour. :)

My Moose senses suspect that some pretty heavy trading will be happening as well! :p

Scott - have you marked your calendar and arranged to share a ride?
For those of you that can attend the November meeting on the 19th, or maybe unable to,I thought I would share some photos of what you will see. Plants are looking pretty good now due the all the recent rains and hot summer weather.

First one is Ortegas Hybrid.

Second plant (2) is called High Energy and is a seedling from a good friend's yard.


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Next three....

First one is a good, colorfull Richard Krukonis, this one only about 2' tall.

Second is a not so clear Ben Alexander.

And the last is a Chief.


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Here's two more. First being a Geisha Girl and the second one is Compte de Castelaine. I might add that these two plants are in shade all day, and require very little light.


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I have no idea, it's been in my collection a long time now. IMO, it's a slow grower and not bushy at all. Bob Alonzo confirmed the name on it. I am growing another plant that I was told was Chief as well, but has turned out to be something different. It's very fast growing and is very full. I just don't have a name on it, when you come down in another week, you'll see both.
A few pics taken today of Chief. I do recall some discussion from several years ago about a 'Chief complex' - or those that look a lot like it but no one can ID with confidence.


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Three more.....

Catch of the Day

Juliette Delarue

Unknown from the Domican Republic that was collected w/ the Glocks.


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I think Phil already mentioned this but that last plant looks like Fordii. In the other thread, I mentioned Grenada but this photo leans more towards Fordii. I'll try and take a snapshot of mine tonight.
Since the society is dissolving Oct 1st, how is this auction going to work? What about all the funds in the society's coffers, what happens to that?
Well I think the proceeds should go to the cost of food, drinks, ect.

and whatever is left go to a garden or charity of the host's decision???
I certainly think Jeff should be be reimbursed from proceeds, or to make it easier, designate a head price to pay upon arrival (ie, $10 for food/softdrink or water& BYOB) based on headcount. Then, all auction proceeds can be immediately tallied, announced and go to a specified garden/cause. 2 separate money pots. If they win at auction, they write a check directly to the cause,garden. Then, all someone has to do it stick them in an envelope and mail them to their destination. We don't need a treasurer per se.
I'm willing to give to both botanical gardens and non croton related causes like community/school gardens etc. Some may not feel the same though and that needs to be hashed out because they may not want to donate plants.
Well I think the proceeds should go to the cost of food, drinks, ect.

and whatever is left go to a garden or charity of the host's decision???

I agree proceeds should go to cost of food, drinks, to the host. I think the leftover proceeds should go to Dean, helping in the cost to maintain this site for us.
The reason we had auctions was to fund the society. With no society, there is no reason to have a auction.
Jeff can charge each person who wants to attend. If we have future meetings at other places we could bring
plants to trade or sell. Yall decide.
I agree proceeds should go to cost of food, drinks, to the host. I think the leftover proceeds should go to Dean, helping in the cost to maintain this site for us.

Hmm, not so fast. Dean is a good, personal friend, but an average auction on the east coast here can gross $800 to as much as $1500 in the past. Food is not that much of a cost, but I think we need to come up w/ some other ideas. And, I am willing to help Dean out of course in some way.

There's lots of ways or ideas on what to do and how to do it. We could maybe come up with a "For Sale Corner" and people that want to bring a plant to sell, puts it there and the first buyer that walks up and wants it, it's theirs, or run differently that would be fair to all. You could have an auction, where you bring a plant or two, or whatever a limit might be set and away the auction goes. You might take a loss on a specific plant you brought because you felt like it was worth more than the auction price awarded you,OR, you could come away with a much higher price than you expected because of a bidding war between 2 or 3 people. It's a chance you take.

I have no intentions on charging at the "gate". I just want as many people to come and enjoy themselves. If that means no auction plants, no trades, no food, no anything, well so be it. Lets just continue having garden meetings and talking everything crotons. Keep the ideas coming.

Hmm, not so fast. Dean is a good, personal friend, but...............

Hey, not so fast ex-friend (kidding of course). :)

Thanks for the thought Scott. I don't expect any money. But just so everyone understands the costs involved - this server costs me $100/month, and I consider the time I spend to be a donation. So in any event, the Croton portion is only a fraction of the entire site and costs.

More important than the money involved is the participation and involvement. The more particpation, the more traffic - and the more traffic, the higher we climb in Google rankings. And the higher in Google, the more traffic - and so on. As long as I can continue to get an advertiser or two, then I am happy. So, give the advertisers some business, or at the very least spread the word, or visit their site - that helps them too. And contributing to the palm and croton encyclopedias is also as important, or more so, than any money.

If you ever wanted to set up a Croton WebClub or something that would require handling money or publishing newsletters, etc. - then I would accept a little compensation for the extra time /work/resources - but certainly not necessary. The extra traffic from the Croton Heads has already been helping the site as a whole, and its nice to see the group here.
Keith is right that there does not seem much sense in an auction with no croton society.Jeff also has a good idea about a for sale corner.My guess the prices would range from 5 upto maybe 50 bucks for something rare??We would just have to work out the logistics.Thre would be a little bookeeping matter of tracking whose items were bought and sold , but once that can be figured out it should work fine.
I will be bringing plants to swap and only to swap. Anything leftover, Jeff you can have. Unless I've missed it in this thread, what's the story on food? I'd be happy to bring enough pulled pork for around 30 people.