Wiki photos

Jerry and Phil,

This is another plant that gets mislabeled very often. Perry and I thought it was Earl of Derby. Bob Alonzo said E. of D. was another name for Mrs. Fred Sanders. There went that theory.

At one time, I thought it was Philadelphia but it's not that either. Philadelphia is consistently an oak leaf with non variable leaves. The plant in the photos is undoubtedly oak leaf but the leaves have much variability. No two leaves have an identical form. The real distinguishing characteristic is that Philadelphia develops dark red leaf undersides when mature (like General Paget). The plant in the photos (if it's the same one I have) has green leaf undersides. No one has ever been able to establish an ID for this one but it's an old plant for sure. It's found quite frequently up here in the older neighborhoods.


Ricky's photo of Mother and Daughter is better than mine. Use that one instead. I'd use the one with the little pink spots (left) as per Bob Alonzo, this is the real mother and daughter. The purely red and green form is the uglier throw away sister.
Ray, I went ahead and put both photos in Mother and Daughter

Today's entries:

Mother and Daughter-Ricky Ginsburg and Ray Hernandez
Jensenii/Warrenii-Marie Nock
Coral Showers-Phil Stager
Applause-Phil Stager
America-Phil Stager
Columbiana-Toby Rose
Philip Geduldig-Toby Rose
Tiffany-Toby Rose
Judy's Beauty-Ron Kiefert and Randy Weisner
Charles Rutherford-Randy Weisner
Waterfall-Ron Kiefert
Maximum-Ron Kiefert
The Moth-Ron Kiefert
Maryland-Ron Kiefert
Rubens-Rick Leitner
Last entries for today:

Claude Lorraine-Toby Rose
Thea-Ricky Ginsburg
Eleanor Roosevelt-Scott McIntosh
Martha Brooks-Jerry Shilling
Joe Friday-Jerry Shilling
The Moth-Jerry Shilling
Columbiana-Jerry Shilling
Mona Lisa-Jerry Shilling
Tiger Eye-Jose Lopez
Christiana-Phil Stager
Jerry and Phil,

This is another plant that gets mislabeled very often. Perry and I thought it was Earl of Derby. Bob Alonzo said E. of D. was another name for Mrs. Fred Sanders. There went that theory.

At one time, I thought it was Philadelphia but it's not that either. Philadelphia is consistently an oak leaf with non variable leaves. The plant in the photos is undoubtedly oak leaf but the leaves have much variability. No two leaves have an identical form. The real distinguishing characteristic is that Philadelphia develops dark red leaf undersides when mature (like General Paget). The plant in the photos (if it's the same one I have) has green leaf undersides. No one has ever been able to establish an ID for this one but it's an old plant for sure. It's found quite frequently up here in the older neighborhoods.


Ricky's photo of Mother and Daughter is better than mine. Use that one instead. I'd use the one with the little pink spots (left) as per Bob Alonzo, this is the real mother and daughter. The purely red and green form is the uglier throw away sister.

This one was an unidentified from Dr. Frank Brown's garden. It really looks like General Paget, however - there is no reds on the leaf undersides. I checked the oldest leaves - only green & yellow. If not General Paget - what could it be ? :confused:


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Today's entries:

Goldilocks-Photo by Jerry Shilling of Judy Glock's plant
Survivor- Photo by Jerry Shilling of Judy Glock's plant
Richard Krukonis-Photo by Jerry Shilling of Judy Glock's plant
Confetti-Randy Weisner
Van Buren-Randy Weisner
Blotched Wooten's Beauty-Randy Weisner
Pretty Bird-Marie Nock
Nervia-Ana Bowers-yay! my first
Diane-Ron Kiefert
Voncilla Barley-Jerry Shilling
Clipper-Jerry Shilling
Carmen Christian-Jerry Shilling
Last entries for today:

Prince of Orange-Jerry Shilling
William Jennings Bryan-Jerry Shilling
Dreer 7-Jerry Shilling
Waterfall-Jerry Shilling
Charmer-Jerry Shilling
Davis 1-Jerry Shilling
Kentucky-Jerry Shilling
Playboy-Ron Kiefert
Duke of Windsor-David King
Irresistible-Randy Weisner
Lillian Stoffregen-Scott McIntosh
Craig's Supreme/Craigii Supreme-Marie Nock and Ray Hernandez
Quirko-Ray Hernandez
Here's another one - the 'true' King of Siam. No, I did not make up the name either. It was a purchased with that name, and a few who have seen it have said that's what it is.


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Here's another one - the 'true' King of Siam. No, I did not make up the name either. It was a purchased with that name, and a few who have seen it have said that's what it is.

I would agree Phil. It's identical to the plant at Waimea Falls Park (Oahu) labeled by Dr. Brown himself.
I have several questions.

Phil, should I put your plant in with the other King of Siam's saying this is the true form?

Is Lamar's plant Noblis or Nobilis? Remember, I can't delete Cultivars if I put them on there wrong.

Is Chrysophyllum the same or a separate name from Cryosophyllum, or does this name even exist?

Is Cronstadtii the same or a separate name from Cronstadt or does this name even exist?

Is Disraeli a synonym for Mrs. Snyder Disraeli, or is it a separate name, or does this name exist?

Is anyone checking the entries daily? Has anyone looked at Victor Limone? These don't seem the same to me.

Today's entries:

Bender 2-Ron Kiefert
Banana/Cornutum-Scott McIntosh
Eburneum-Mike Harris
John Bender-Mike Harris
Johanna Coppinger-Mike Harris
Purity-Mike Harris
W.C. Wallace-Auction plant and David King
Colonel Lindbergh-Mike Harris
Jungle Queen-Jeff Searle
Veitchii-Jeff Searle
QUOTE]I have several questions.

Phil, should I put your plant in with the other King of Siam's saying this is the true form?

Is Lamar's plant Noblis or Nobilis? Remember, I can't delete Cultivars if I put them on there wrong.

Is Chrysophyllum the same or a separate name from Cryosophyllum, or does this name even exist?

Is Cronstadtii the same or a separate name from Cronstadt or does this name even exist?

Is Disraeli a synonym for Mrs. Snyder Disraeli, or is it a separate name, or does this name exist?

Is anyone checking the entries daily? Has anyone looked at Victor Limone? These don't seem the same to me.


Hi Ana,

From what I remember Bob A. saying, Disraeli is a seperate cultivar from Mrs. Snyder's although I've never seen it.

When in doubt about spelling, I'd do something like Noblis/Nobilis for the cultivar entry since the old book may have it misspelled.
I have several questions.

Phil, should I put your plant in with the other King of Siam's saying this is the true form?

Is Lamar's plant Noblis or Nobilis the first spelling is used more often to the best of........
Is Chrysophyllum/Hookerianum is correct to the best of my knowledge.
I have several questions.

Phil, should I put your plant in with the other King of Siam's saying this is the true form?

Is Lamar's plant Noblis or Nobilis? Remember, I can't delete Cultivars if I put them on there wrong.

Is Chrysophyllum the same or a separate name from Cryosophyllum, or does this name even exist?

Is Cronstadtii the same or a separate name from Cronstadt or does this name even exist?

Is Disraeli a synonym for Mrs. Snyder Disraeli, or is it a separate name, or does this name exist?

Is anyone checking the entries daily? Has anyone looked at Victor Limone? These don't seem the same to me.


Anna - I'd put in in with all the other King of Siams
...and as you can see, alternate spellings are all too frequent and some go back many years...

Today's entries:

King of Siam-Phil Stager
Stoplight-Mike Woolery
Chili Pan-Chris Mayhew
Coppinger's Hybrid-Chris Mayhew
Pride of Winterhaven-Randy Weisner
Rocio-Robertico in Costa Rica
Van Houtti-Mike Harris
MacAdoo-Ron Kiefert
Dreer 7-Jeff Searle
Super Petra-Jeff Searle
Pop's Yard-Jeff Searle
Rapture-Jeff Searle
Nellie Halgrim-Jeff Searle
Prince of Orange-Jeff Searle
Cornelius-Jeff Searle
Last ones for today:

Noblis-Lamar Sapp
Leopardia-Ron Kiefert
Ram's Horn-Ron Kiefert
L.M. Rutherford-Jeff Searle
Red Quill-Jeff Searle
Cover Girl-Jeff Searle
Monarch-Jeff Searle
Sturrock's Pink Veitchii-Jeff Searle
Limelight-Jeff Searle
Tiger Eye-Jeff Searle
Pitcarin-Jeff Searle
Rubyi-Jeff Searle
Is the picture of Maximum in the Wiki really Maximum? If that is really Maximum in the Wiki then the picture I posted ( post #91 G.Paget) is not a Maximum.
If there's no red, it's General Paget. Red underside it's a Maximum, or bender #2.

I have a 15 year old what i thought was a Gen Padgent , it has 3 distinct types or colrs on the same plant , one of them has the dark red underneath , would that be a sport Maximum ....I ncluded the pictures #1 mother plant with all three different types #2 close up of the one possible Maximum #3 ,4, 5 all close ups of GP or Maximum ???? Help PLEASE


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I have a 15 year old what i thought was a Gen Padgent , it has 3 distinct types or colrs on the same plant , one of them has the dark red underneath , would that be a sport Maximum ....I ncluded the pictures #1 mother plant with all three different types #2 close up of the one possible Maximum #3 ,4, 5 all close ups of GP or Maximum ???? Help PLEASE

Check out the photo of Maximum in the Wiki....Do you think your plant looks like the one in the Wiki? Your plant looks like mine and looks nothing like Maximum that is in the Wiki. I have posted pics of mine before and was given the ID here a few years ago as G.P. and then the other day things changed. If mine is not G.P. then the pictures of mine in the Wiki need to be removed.
Check out the photo of Maximum in the Wiki....Do you think your plant looks like the one in the Wiki? Your plant looks like mine and looks nothing like Maximum that is in the Wiki. I have posted pics of mine before and was given the ID here a few years ago as G.P. and then the other day things changed. If mine is not G.P. then the pictures of mine in the Wiki need to be removed.

Im more confused >>>>>>>> Of all my Gen P. None have the red underneath exept this one , I have 6 older ones At least 10 years old , and only the one branch on one plant has the red underneath and it has a different color all together ... David
Gen. Paget sport.jpgP1060678.jpgSpeaking of Gen Paget, this is a sport from one. Has anybody seen this sport before, and if so, does it have an established name? Also, can anybody identify the other croton?
This morning's entries:

Yellow Croc-Jeff Searle
Magnificent-Jeff Searle
Colonel Bob Bullock-Jeff Searle
Confetti-Jeff Searle
Babbett-Jeff Searle
Father's Day-Jeff Searle
Polychrome-Jeff Searle
Limelight-Photo by Jerry Shilling of Judy Glock's plant
Leota-Ron Kiefert
Dreer 6-Jeff Searle
Last entries today:

Julia Reasoner-Perry Edge
Tiffany-Jeff Searle
Madam Fernand Kohl-Jeff Searle
Blotched Raphael-Jeff Searle
Tropical Feel-Jeff Searle
Showgirl-Jeff Searle
Wooten's Beauty-Jeff Searle
Cutler 34-Jeff Searle
Sweet Marie-Jeff Searle
Survivor-Jeff Searle
Andreanum-Robertico in Costa Rica

I've also been working on the synonyms little by little when time allows:D
Hi Perry, I think I have that one also. It is over by the boat with several I got from a meeting at U.S.F. Years ago. I saw the green/yellow interrupted in the back ground please, it to needs a name.


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..a few more pics to add to the confusion, Lamar and Perry. Both plants supposedly came from the same location in Bradenton. The first appears to be a yellow/green version of the second and more colorful one; both have pink petioles. No name was attached to them when I purchased them - probably at a USF sale. Both the yellow and the colorful versions sold at one of our recent get-togethers.


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Yes, mine has the pinkish/reddish petioles too. I bought it at a nursery years ago, and have only seen it once again, at a different nursery. Naturally, neither were labeled.
Spent a frustrating morning trying to learn how to do links in blue font for the synonyms. Took a long time to do two! I will get the hang of it now, I think, but I'm going to take a break from it all now. Please keep adding photos as you can get good ones. No hurry if they will be in better color in another month or two. If it slows down a lot, maybe we can work on a seedling section. Think about that one! Ana
Spent a frustrating morning trying to learn how to do links in blue font for the synonyms. Took a long time to do two! I will get the hang of it now, I think, but I'm going to take a break from it all now. Please keep adding photos as you can get good ones. No hurry if they will be in better color in another month or two. If it slows down a lot, maybe we can work on a seedling section. Think about that one! Ana

Ana - definitely take a well deserved break. The photos will continue to get posted and will be waiting for you. Don't get burn't out.

The Wiki has not been updated since Bren served as our moderator and Wiki guru. Would be nice if she came back and saw how you have added to all her hard work. Bren got burn't out, mostly from alot of BS she took as the Moderator.

Bren come back - we miss ya! :D
I miss Bren also. I remember her from the Garden Web forum. I'd love to see her garden again. She did all the boring, tedious, reference work that's so needed in the wiki, but would not have been any fun for me. I'm sure that took a lot of her time. Great foundation to build on though!

It's getting harder and harder to find more, confirmed, identified photos from past forum pages that have not already been put in the wiki. It takes quite a bit of time to find them, and in general, the farther back I go, the younger and less developed the specimens are. I appreciate newer postings with more mature, colorful and characteristic plants. No hurry, though. Fall is around the corner.

Today's entries:

Queen Victoria-Lamar Sapp
Catherine Gephart-Andy Finlayson
Davis Compacta-Lamar Sapp
Poopsie McGuillicutty-Toby Rose
Inca-Ricky Ginsburg
Gloriosum Superbum-Ricky Ginsburg
Craigii Supreme-Jerry Shilling
Confetti-Jerry Shilling
Leopardia-Jerry Shilling
Cobra-Jerry Shilling
Mango-Jerry Shilling
Monarch-Jerry Shilling
Today's entries:

Mango-David King
Angel Wing-Ricky Ginsburg
Charmer-Ricky Ginsburg
Chrysophyllum-Jeff Searle
Spirale-Jeff Searle
Waterfall-Jeff Searle
Polychrome group-Jeff Searle
Chili Pan-Jeff Searle
Oak Leaf Superba-Jeff Searle
Lady Claire-Jeff Searle
Richard Krukonis-Jeff Searle
Royal Horseguard-Jeff Searle
Eleanor Fischler-Jeff Searle
Norwood Beauty-Jeff Searle (looks like Phil's plant that was already there)
Rocio-Jeff Searle
Colonel Lindbergh-Jeff Searle
Playboy-Jeff Searle
Princess Eugenia-Jeff Searle
Yellow Duncan Macaw-Jeff Searle
Catch of the Day-Jeff Searle
I have questions. Someone please respond.

Under Richard Krukonis there is a red croton that looks more like President Reagan to me. Where does this photo belong?

We need to establish criteria for placement of seedlings. Does Seminole Pride and Searle 2 belong in the croton encyclopedia or should we place these under a new seedling or new hybrid section? We need to start that soon. Please give me your thoughts.

Is Jack Pot a legit name?

We need to work on Satan/Irene Kingsley controversy. Can you all have a discussion on this again? I need to know where to put the Satan.

Ricky, I didn't use any Bogoriensis photos because the two you already had in the wiki were the best ones.
