Where is the rain ???

Got back this afternoon from weekend in Lancaster, PA. 12" + of rain, lots and lots of downed palm fronds, some of which squished a few crotons but no major damage.
Can we cut the rain off for a bit? Over 27" since June 1, yesterdays storms were scary. Around 7:15pm it turned dark as midnight wind out of the NE at 30mph. Another 40 min later wind was out of the SW at 30mph. Can not get ahead with the yard work this summer. Got that off my chest.... now let me go clean up the storm mess again and wait for the next round.
Time to start bitchin' again. There's been plenty of inconsequential, barely measurable water falling from the sky lately in my part of town. I'm pretty sure Scott is getting inundated in north Tampa. Everytime I look at the radar, northern Hillsborough/southern Pasco county is getting blasted. There's been nothing measurable here in over 2 weeks.
Out of the first 14 days of August I have received rain 8 days. Little over 2" for Aug. Storms haved moved by fast raining only for a few min.
Can't complain about the rain here. Some shots taken Sunday while light steady showers were happening. :eek:


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Was thinking of turning the sprinkler system back on this weekend. The clouds opened up today and I received 1.12". :cool:
Even with all the rain we have had this summer I found spider mites on my Crotons this weekend.
Even with all the rain we have had this summer I found spider mites on my Crotons this weekend.

Scott, If you're using any form of Imidacloprid, it may boost the egg production of some mites. I've been rinsing my crotons from the bottom up. It seems to knock down the mites & any mealys, but is time consuming. We've also gotten our fair share of rain this summer.
Scott, If you're using any form of Imidacloprid, it may boost the egg production of some mites. I've been rinsing my crotons from the bottom up. It seems to knock down the mites & any mealys, but is time consuming. We've also gotten our fair share of rain this summer.

I have washed them down and also hit with a Miticide.
Scott, If you're using any form of Imidacloprid, it may boost the egg production of some mites. I've been rinsing my crotons from the bottom up. It seems to knock down the mites & any mealys, but is time consuming. We've also gotten our fair share of rain this summer.

Randy - I found them crawling on my Rheedii in the morning light. Looked underneath the leaves and found a spider mite convention. Wiped off all the webbing by hand. Two days later, the webbing was back. A strong solution of dimethoate was applie to see if that will help eliminate the infestation. With all the rain & humidity, you would think they would have been held in check.

If this is any indication of what the dry season will be like, I am not looking forward to this battle ... :mad:
Mooseland being on a rock ridge has no flooding issues. The rain can keep coming and it will percolate into the ground. It's raining now. :)

Chris - your not that far from me. What was the cumulated rain we got from Isaac? :confused:
It did rain, just about filled my wheel barrow. Didn't accurately measure it this time but I figure somewhere around 6 to 8 inches. Dried up nice today and it was good to see the sun.
Have had four days in a row now without any rain. Last time I have had that was June 10-14.
Ray, Some of the remnant moisture from former Hurricane Isaac has pushed back down to the upper gulf coast. It has a 10% chance of forming into a TS as it moves into the gulf. Look for rain chances to come up for us.
I'm not sure if its record breaking but there has been alot of rain falling in South Florida this year. Its been raining all day and a bunch more is predicted for tomorrow. :)
I sure hate to bitch about rain right now because any rain we get will be accompanied by cool or cold weather. I'll quietly deal with the drought if the cold weather stays away. Florida is land of feast and famine. We follow one of the rainiest summers on record with one of the driest Novembers on record.
I've been sleeping easy ever since I installed a Glock Special (irrigation, that is). Are you on reclaimed water over there?
Have received a much needed light rain the last two days in Moose Land. :)

Hurricane Season is officially over today! :cool:

Ron, Tell me what rain looks like, I may not recognize it when I see it.
Temps for the next 7 days look sweet, even some rain chances.


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