Today & Tomorrow


Esteemed Member
Don't hang out at home watching the rain. Head to Fairchild for this event. All under cover - stay dry. :eek: Beautiful display incorporating a wonderful mix of impressive plants. Over 30 different unusual crotons in the display. There is a monster Geisha Girl that is a true specimen.

Tropical Fern & Exotic Plant Society
Annual Show and Sale

Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden
10901 Old Cutler Road
Coral Gables, FL 33156

Amazing array of rare plants for sale. The show is a must see! Growers and hobbyist showing of some very rare and unusual plants. There are some interesting crotons being offered for sale. I'll try and get some photos posted ... ;)
Some pics ...
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Mike - Marnie is the President of this Society. She is a former lurker who is now a forum member emmylou. She also attended our recent Croton Garden Tour. She found all the gardens simply outstanding, yours in particular. I am sure she would be very happy to see you. :D

I won't be there until 1 pm today, have some early morning obligations. :(

Looks great. I should come down.
Excellent eye Ray, that is exactly what it is! It really caught my eye too. I love it's wide square like lobes with elongated leaf tip. Some one commented that it looks as if the croton is "giving the finger". It is now happily residing in its new home in the Moose Land. :eek:

Jeff - I was encouraged to provide some plants to be put in the display as color accents. Pulled some crotons that I felt had exceptional color for that purpose. Reggie was the chief architect putting together the display. He did a phenomenal job! In post #2 Photo #1 is Mango which you gave to me a year ago. It got a first place ribbon. In post #3 photo #4 is Yellow Golden Glow, it garnered a second place ribbon.

Dean - I borrowed my wife's camera with an auto focus. :eek:

Chris - I did not realize until seeing this show. The fern you gave me must be very, very uncommon to rare. I did not see one anywhere at this show. Not one in the display, nor was it being offered by any vendor. I gonna be much nicer to it now - thanks

1st photo in Post #12 is the famous unnamed Coppinger hybrid. I thought it was Martha Brooks at one time.
Ron ..don't know how rare. It's Hemionitis palmata. Kinda striking. Maybe I should make some babies.
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Ron ..don't know how rare. It's Hemionitis palmata. Kinda striking. Maybe I should make some babies.

Chris - thanks for the ID. I am sure you told me when you gave it to me. I got it tagged now. :eek:

I was a bit suprised you did not attend the show. Look who showed up.

I'm new to the Society, only my second function so I don't know many of the players. :eek: Left to right: Forgot his name, past President of the Society, Unknown, Emalyl (raised arm - who kept us extemely well feed all weekend!) our Hospitality Chairwoman, Sorry - forgot her name, Reggie Whitehead - former President of the Society and designer of the fabulous display. Center in the Florida Gator ensemble - Mr. Tim Anderson! :eek: Long time Croton Hybridizer and Senior Plantsman. It was my honor to finally get to meet him. :cool:
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Just couldn't make it. Sorry I missed Tim. Maybe we can make it to Palm Hammock soon and see what's happening.
For all you interested in a trip to Palm Hammock I have not been able to get hold of anyone there yet. And from what I've learned Tim is still mostly at the nursing home. It may be very difficult to fin him at the nursery, although he is apparently there periodically. I will keep all updated as well as I can.
On another note here are some pics of the fern that Ron was talking about. Hemonitis palmata


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As far as the fern goes the narrow leaves are the fertile fronds with spore. A very happy plant.
Some pics ...

The croton with no ID that you got from Dr. Brown that I thought could be a Davis 87 - well, good news! I checked the emerging leaves on my Davis 87 and they look like the emerging leaves on yours. Remember, it was the older leaves on yours that gave me a clue. You're welcome to come by and see mine. Bring your plant too and we'll compare.
The croton with no ID that you got from Dr. Brown that I thought could be a Davis 87 - well, good news! I checked the emerging leaves on my Davis 87 and they look like the emerging leaves on yours. Remember, it was the older leaves on yours that gave me a clue. You're welcome to come by and see mine. Bring your plant too and we'll compare.

Thanks Marie - Having never seen a Davis 87, I would not have a clue. Glad your eye caught it.

Also, please accept my apologies about the photos of your huge, perfectly grown Giesha Girl, It not only was recognized with a Blue Ribbon, but the coveted Sweetstakes award as well. The lighting was such that I could not capture its majestic coloring. No matter which way I positioned myself, I could not get the light behind me. Unless I stomped on the display plants - at which point I am sure Reggie and a host of others would have killed me. :eek:

Davis 87 on left, Golden Glow on right :)
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Chris - how is the organized visit to Tim Anderson's nursery shaping up. No pressure from me but you did stir up some of the other's croton senses. :rolleyes:

Look who else was at the show: ;) "the Sisters". Thats Jackie in the first photo. Marie in the second helping Bob at the register. They are my favorite lurkers. :) We've missed them at the last couple of Croton Garden Tours. I was certainly glad to see them. We spent alot of time talking crotons at the show. :D


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Found this last photo from the Tropical Fern & Exotic Plant Society Show on my camera ...

To those who are fortunate to have a Delores in your garden, here is a photo for whom the croton was named after. :)

Suprisingly, her name is Delores. :rolleyes:


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As far as the fern goes the narrow leaves are the fertile fronds with spore. A very happy plant.

Chris - hey look I think my Hemonitis palmata fern you gave me is horny and trying to do the fern sex thang. :eek:

Weird how different the leaves look. Speaking of ferns, did you kill the new one I gave ya yet? LOL :D
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I'm bumping this thread so you can see the kind wonderful plants you will be encountering at this weekend's show. Well worth a visit - hope to see you there

Sat. 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Sun. 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
There are tons of crotons in the display. 50+ different cultivars from various growers. Not just crotons either. The cornucopia of displayed specimen plants and for plants looking to be adopted has surpassed all offerings I have seen in the pass. Well worth the trip just to see our show and hang out with a bunch of friendly plant loving people.
Regrettably, I have never visited Fairchild Gardens. Saw this event in Florida Gardening mag. Ron, you may have spurred me into a visit! Thanks for pics of these cool ferns and all the beautiful crotons, orchids and other tropicals.