Tired of Talking to Myself Tour.........come join me.

Jeff Searle

Well-Known Member
It's been a long summer and I often find myself coming home after work each day, I usually do some form of yard work, collect maybe some palm seeds or dig some rhyzomes of a ginger or heliconia, blah, blah, blahhh. But before it gets dark, I like to do a walk and talk ( to myself ) and look at my crotons. And most times by myself and most times I can be heard talking to myself. So, I would like to have a small, little "walk and talk"tour and invite anyone that wants to come over. We can actually talk about anything , from palms to something flowering. I will provide the cold drinks ( and maybe something grown up ) because afterall, it's still summertime! But no food or croton auction. If you want to bring a plant or two that you need an ID, by all means bring it. We will do our best to put a name on it.

Date......Saturday....August 17th

Time......After 3:00 pm ( or when ever )

Place......18200 SW 52 Lane
Southwest Ranches 33331

Call or text me for more info. 954-658-4317

This is just a little get together, nothing big. The next BIG CROTON TOUR will be announced soon.
It's been a long summer and I often find myself coming home after work each day, I usually do some form of yard work, collect maybe some palm seeds or dig some rhyzomes of a ginger or heliconia, blah, blah, blahhh. But before it gets dark, I like to do a walk and talk ( to myself ) and look at my crotons. And most times by myself and most times I can be heard talking to myself. So, I would like to have a small, little "walk and talk"tour and invite anyone that wants to come over. We can actually talk about anything , from palms to something flowering. I will provide the cold drinks ( and maybe something grown up ) because afterall, it's still summertime! But no food or croton auction. If you want to bring a plant or two that you need an ID, by all means bring it. We will do our best to put a name on it.

Date......Saturday....August 18th

Time......After 3:00 pm ( or when ever )

Place......18200 SW 52 Lane
Southwest Ranches 33331

Call or text me for more info. 954-658-4317

This is just a little get together, nothing big. The next BIG CROTON TOUR will be announced soon.

I look forward to this, sat..17,sun..18 or do we come both days.....just axen?
Hey Ray,

Honestly, this was just a simple thought/idea and figured anybody that was coming by would just be locals. A few have already committed and Ana as you see was planning on already being down here and has decided to come a day earlier to be here.
Hi Judy,

Unless things change, I plan on being there.


I'm just getting the itch to do something croton related. For one reason or another, I haven't been to a croton gathering in over a year. I suppose another month or two won't kill me.:eek:
I was out in the yard tonight and well, naturally talking out loud on what has to be done before Saturday. Lol. Anywho, I look forward to the little get together. I would like to get a rough idea on who's showing up though. If you think you might be coming to Lamar's , Mike and then here, maybe let us know here. I have a couple of people coming but wish to not make it publicly known here and I pulled some hen's teeth and convinced ole Borgy to come. He'll be here early and give me a hand. So who's coming?
Sorry - as much as I'd like to join and see you, Andy, et al - work calls and I have a committment Saturday locally. I'd send Sent' for some Croton ed-u-ca-sheion - but Moose said he's in..........all bet's off :p

Post pics and best wishes all

~ Rich
Great big THANK YOU wonderful visit great people and absolutely mind blowing tour. Big mature and so many varieties you lost count. I might just make this a quartley thing(I am not kidding). I would like to say thank you to croton heads that stopped by on the way the Searles home I enjoyed your visit and look forward to more in the future.


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What a great day,Jeff and Lamar's garden were spectacular.Mine is coming along but needs some more time,I am looking forward to our next meeting :)
Jeff I will be over later tonight to dig up your Jackpot !!

I'll be there Jeff,once everyone clears out of here
Andrea and Jeff, many thanks for a great time. There's nothing better than walking through an incredible garden with a Brandy Slush in your hand on a hot summer afternoon. Mike and Lamar, we're sorry we didn't get to see your gardens. Raincheck?

A couple of pictures from Jeff's. The first is one of his seedlings named after his first grandson, Brandon James. The second is Jackpot which I presume is now in Mike's garden.

Thank you Jeff for allowing us to see your splendid garden. Not my first go around but everytime I visit I leave with alot of new information that can be applied to my garden.

Special, special thanks to Andrea for whipping up the eats and keeping everyone stocked with a frosty drink. It didn't even feel like we were touring your garden in the middle of August because of her hospitality. :cool:

Only came away with one disappointment. It is now my realization that I will rapidly run out of room in the Moose Land before I ever acquire all the cultivars I desire. Especially after seeing so many of your rare and one of a kind plants.

Thanks again for a wonderful afternoon! :D
Jeff, I also want to echo the thanks for the tour of your spectacular garden. It was a feast for the eyes and an inspiration to me. I came home eyeing my yard in a different light. Also with the realization of which crotons I might want to get in future years!

Please thank Andrea for her superb hospitality and attention to every guest. She was great and it was so nice to see her again. She made everyone feel so welcome.

Thanks for the time you took to walk us around and show us all your amazing cultivars. It was a wonderful treat and a great afternoon!

Thanks to the Sapp's, the Wollery's & the Searle's for their hospitality & opening up their gardens to a bunch of plant nuts. What a crazy amount of plants to see, I must have looked at a couple thousand!

Also some great swapping. I brought 10 plants & came home with 5 I didn't have:cool:

It was a treat to see Jeff Searle estate and only hope to see more in the near future.
Also nice putting some names to faces.
Many thanks


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That was a lot of fun! Not bad for a quicky planned get together. The weather was ok( especially for august) snacks/drinks were really good and the people that came.....thanks! It was great to spend the whole day with everyone. The last two guys to leave ( you know who you are, lol ) left at 10;30 at night! Thanks all who came.

I met a couple of very nice ladies and one of their sons that drove down from the Stuart area. Newbies! Everyone else I knew.

Johnnyd...must of missed you. Did you introduce yourself or did we talk? What's your name and excuse me if you did already.
It was a special treat to come visit your yard , the hospitality was awesome , nice to know D B is still alive and well . The after party was great ,the driver decided we should head to the Glocks that eve ended up on alligator alley thank god for turn arounds. Thanks for the invite and the talks of the past ,kind of funny how we can make assumptions of people when you really don't know them.The next day my brain decided to work and finally remembered my passwords . Did you finally figure out the old grey haired man who passed on.