The Garden Police are watching

Interesting. thanks for the link.

I can see why they passed the law, but then again, it must suck if you are a responsible fertilizer.
I agree with banning lawn fertilizer which typically has a much higher % of Nitrogen. To prohibit fertilization of palms, fruit trees and ornamentals is inappropriate as it is a small % of all the nitrogen/phosphate being used. Plants simply use nitrogen at an accelerated rate when temperatures are above 80 F. This is why government bureaucracy is so frustrating with their rules and laws. Simply requiring all fertilizer sold in Pinelas Co. to have polymer coated controlled release nitrogen would solve their problem rather than the ban.

The Future: "You are under arrest for having green plants" ? :confused:


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Get used to this, sarasota and tampa areas are also under the same bans. Others will follow suit. I will be stocking up. I am just dumb founded that golf courses and big ag are not included.
I suspect golf courses are exempt simply because most, if not al,l have professional turf management folks who are not about to waste money with a load of extra fert that goes in the watershed instead of the grass; big ag can afford to buy a legislature.