The Crotons I Cherish

There is a teacher at work who keeps plants on a table outside of here class room. It has an eastern exposure that gets kissed by morning sun. The plants are very common so I thought it would be a great place to add a croton as a center piece. This Mosaic was a gift from Mike (Bullwinkle). I "loaned" her the croton and said I would switching different crotons out for her to enjoy. She takes such good care of it - setting it out each time it rains that I don't have the heart to take it back.

Is got the croton scale now so its back at the Moose Land to get a Dimethoate bath, refresh its soil, a little bit of fertilizer and imadcloprid treatment. :eek: Bringing her a Black Beauty for her table during the interim. :)


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Here is another unknown from Phil. A very nice green & yellow that grows rather quick. The petioles are a pinkish red. See the nice sport to the left :eek:

This was actually won at the Auction at Mike Harris' garden tour. Seeing that sport, I was shocked it did not peak the interest of all the crotonheads in attendance. The best part was when I went to pay Phil - he refused to accept any money. He thanked me for helping to organize the garden tour and graciously said it was a gift. :cool:


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Kinda slow but so beautiful, Delicantissima :)

Bad photo - does not show all the brilliant orange color. :(

Please feel free to add photos of "the crotons you cherish" to this thread ... :eek:


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Looks like what I found last week as Superstar.

:eek: Scott - your post made me go take some more photos of Unknown from Ray. Does your "Superstar" have pinkish petioles? Mine is grown in pretty heavy shade and is a very slow cultivar.

Interestingly, this croton catches Chris' eye every time he visits. Chris (pocomo) can't remember what he had for breakfast or where he left his cell phone, but can remember plants that he has seen in a garden years ago. Chris has observed this croton slowly develope since I got it from Ray. He is certain that he recalls this cultivar growing in Ralph Davis' garden.

Ray (Crazy for Crotons) - do you recall where you got this croton from? Chris is already bothering me for a cutting. Its just so slow and peitite - but is turning out to be a real jem.


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They look to be the same to me. Keep in mind these little angel plants have young tender new growth stems at this time.
Ron, When you plant out the Andreanum give it lots of sun and you will be rewarded with great color and very fast growth. Last pic is Andreanum growing in early morning sun.


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