new garden!


Esteemed Member
Hi everyone, it's been awhile! I moved a couple months back. I am now in a sweet microclimate (hi Phil Stager, we're close) anyway, my soil is pure sand. I had 40 yrds of topsoil added and my irrigation and hardscape is just about complete. Palms from ken johnson & mike evans get installed friday for canopy.
I brought about 25 crotons with me. They are leggy. Once I plant, should I leave them alone for the season? I am afraid if I air layer or cut back, the energy won't go into root growth. What is your experience?


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Hi Bren! Welcome back!!! Wow, what a great yard you've got. You're lucky to get the opportunity to start over and apply all your previous plant and landscaping experience to your new place. As I remember from GW, you had a sweet yard before. Hope you're going to hang around with us!

I don't know much since I'm still relatively new to crotons, but I think after planting I would do one airlayer this season to start working on sprouting from below, but not more. Remember the rule: Never cut more than a third of the plant each year. It doesn't apply to all plants, but I think it's best to stay conservative, yet do something to start. You've still got the rainy season ahead to get good root and foliage growth this year, so in my measly opinion, it would be good to get a bit of a start but not go overboard. It might also depend on the health of each individual plant and what each one can handle.

As you know by now, I've continued your work on the wiki. I want to thank-you first-hand for all the great work you did to lay the foundation. Your work has withstood the test of time. Ana
Welcome to your new location. You, Phil & I are the only Croton denizans of the fair city of St. Petersburg, as far as I know. I'm also in a microclimate near the water. Yes, Florida soil leaves a lot to be desired, especially near the coast. Looks like you are on the right track. Good luck with your new garden!
Hi Bren,
with all the work you've done already you should be in great shape. My #1 advice is keep everything watered until rainy season kicks in. Every day watering is appropriate this time of year. My #2 best advice is to hang around Phil's house as much as possible. You can't go wrong with a neighbor like him.
Welcome back Bren! I would think cutting back the Crotons in need would not hurt in the root establishment and would be best for the plant in general. Many plants when transplanted benefit from having such treatment. With the wet and hot sticky months at our doorsteps new growth and root establishment will be fast. Congrats on the new place and garden.
Thanks all. Exciting time. I will post progress picks as it transforms. Phil, I am east of you. 1 mi east of maximo park, 3 blocks off the bay. I will contact you soon. I would love your input on plant placement. Your garden is spectacular!