NEW CROTON HOME COMING SOON.......let the work begin


Esteemed Member
David, that will be one beautiful garden. Ha ha ha- only gardeners would notice that black gold you've got there. It will bring you lots of success. Can't wait to see more! Those beautiful gnarly oaks will provide lots of continuing leaf litter too.
The work continues getting father towards the back . There must be a million old pepper trees . But the oak are to die for ... We press on !!!
Play time a little prospecting with my son Luke . Some civil war goodies . The property has some real history ..


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David, those are some amazing finds! Gotta be exciting in many ways to dig around in there, making your own garden from scratch and finding some incredibly old stuff. Cool stuff. Please keep showing us your adventures!
Don't take offense David, down town White City is very nice and yes wild life can occasionally be seen. There is give and take in life, I would love some of your space. I think another road trip is in order. I bet those artifices are from the Indian wars there was a lot of activity in that area.
Now that's a real woman! I feel like I need a chainsaw and maybe a bobcat now. Wow, so much would get done in my garden!

David, I can't wait to see continuing photos of your garden. What a great and rewarding family project!
Thanks i had no idea how much work this was going to be . 3 acres with lots of history .. last people on the property was 1859 when it was on the trail from Fort Capron from Civil War . Seriously thick woods 1 tree at a time . We have a mountain of old pepper trees we had to tear out . slowly burning one pile at a time
How large is the property ? If you are 5 acres or more, a second back up well would be nice since the machine is on the property.

How deep did you go? How deep before you encountered limestone?
How large is the property ? If you are 5 acres or more, a second back up well would be nice since the machine is on the property.

How deep did you go? How deep before you encountered limestone?
3 acres , and yes we are putting a well in the back also . 45 to 55 ft was the limestome , at 78 ft the water was super ........Monday we are doing the back well . We are closer to the white Ridge in the back , that waer is top notch good .