looking to buy


crotons are very lovely plants but it is very frustrating that I have such a hard time finding good places to purchase ,with out being taken , this group seems to be so close together they dont want new in
I think that you have the wrong perception about this group.I am prettty new here but I have found many people happy to help find some varieties.Collecting crotons is like any field of collecting,you will have some people who have many rare things and will never share due to the fact that they want to maintain exclusiveity.Meanwhile you will have others who share happily.There is a fantastic nursery up by you up in Northern Palm Beach(Loxtahatchee actually) that has over 100 varieties, most are small (1-3 gallon size)but the prices are reasonable 5-10$.PM me and I will try and find the info.I was up there around 3 months ago and I picked up around 20 varieties.
For the 'serious' collector of almost anything, three things are essential - cash, patience, and a willigness to learn. If you're collecting Rembrandt's, you'll need more cash than anything else for the one that may become available in your lifetime.
Fortunately, for crotons, you need more patience than cash - and not a lot of that unless you're looking for that one that no one else has. ..and with patience you'll need some persistence. Most of us built our collections a few plants at a time over several years or more. I've found that most members and especially some on this board have been quite generous with cutting and air layers. I'd never have some of the varities I have without some generous folks like John Bender.
So hang in there, go to meetings and meet other collectors who share their plants and especially their knowledge.
Andy - I am very sad you feel that way. Being a "newer" collector myself, I have found many cultivars just one at a time. In the spring we can get together down south here and go croton hunting! :)

Now is not the time to acquire or plant crotons due to our cold events. :(

Ron. ;)
Just curious what would be considered "being taken"...
You should be in croton heaven down there in south Florida...
- try finding nice varieties anywhere else in the country...
BTW, I've always heard that one can catch more bees, or in this case crotons, with honey than with vinegar...
These are my "Crotons in waiting". Waiting to go into the ground in the spring. I have planted things in Nov. to see them languish during the winter. My philosophy is the stronger the root system the stronger the plant to endure our cold spells. These have been crammed together and covered on three seperate occassions this cold season already. I like to spread them out with the leave tips barely touching for air circulation between events. They are staged under Mango and Avacado trees and get filtered light in early morning and late afternoon.


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I started my collection around 18 months ago. The Croton collectors are helpfull and a very great group of people willing to share and give knowledge. The fun of finding the Crotons is the hunt, at times 1 plant at a time.
I started a year or so ago. I was a newbie just like you on this board. The best advice I can give you is to join the society & get to know us a little better here. We're a good bunch & welcome all new members. :)

Patience is key with collecting crotons. At the meeting, there are some fantastic auctions and members are always passing along cuttings.