junglegal Esteemed Member 3,135 30/03/08 65 108 St. Pete FL Sep 18, 2010 #1 It was labeled stoplight so it's either poorly grown or I'm guessing Duke of Windsor Attachments duke.jpg 205.4 KB · Views: 141 duke1.jpg 216.7 KB · Views: 141
fawnridge Well-Known Member 1,430 04/07/09 49 68 Western Boca Raton Sep 18, 2010 #2 Until it colors out, it's going to be hard to pin a name on it. "Duke of Windsor" is a common sport off "Stoplight", though, and your plant does have the right leaf shape, although a bit short. Here's a shot of the Duke from my garden: Attachments P1010001.jpg 348.2 KB · Views: 144
Until it colors out, it's going to be hard to pin a name on it. "Duke of Windsor" is a common sport off "Stoplight", though, and your plant does have the right leaf shape, although a bit short. Here's a shot of the Duke from my garden:
Moose Esteemed Member 7,058 10/09/09 442 223 Coral Gables, FL Zone 10b Sep 21, 2010 #3 It's on my List, hopefully I will secure one at Jeff's sale!