In the beginning 2014


Esteemed Member
There was loads of sun,really crappy soil & massive tree roots every time I try to plant. Small side yard looking alright so far. Only been 3 mths. Far better then the beach it was back in March.


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Really nice, I have replaced all that green stuff with mulch and lots of fun stuff. Job well done.
Welcome back Bren! Your new garden is looking great. Sometimes I wish to start new and know what I know now, how it would be so different.
Bren, you've done a lot! A lot of good plant shopping too! I especially like the area next to the lanai with the staggered palms and the sweeping, curvy bed in the front yard. I'd love to learn more about palms and am trying to. What types of palms have you planted? I saw the Kentiopsis Oliviformis Randy mentioned. Please tell me about the others.
I have power lines to deal with & the pool cage. I have a tri teddy, hurricane, carpoxylon & flame thrower planted down the row. Hoping for some shade soon. I still need to stain the new fence so refraining from planting right now. I imagine next spring I'll be more active.
Thanks, Bren. I just got a carpoxylon a bit ago to shade a few crotons and it got sunburned. It made me so sad because it was so pretty. I think it will recover fine, just a setback, I hope.

Carpoxylon macrosperma is a rather slow palm when small. It is a heavy feeder that relishes lots of water but needs good drainage. It does pick up speed over time especially when it starts to trunk. When they are small, they love shade but tolerate the sun as they get bigger. They may be an emergent type palm in their native Fiji habitat. This used to be an uber rare palm 15 years ago, fetching big money for just a two leaved seedling.
I have one carpoxylon out front that is doing well. My one in back looks like crap. Burning up but also appears to have suffered damage unloading from the truck. I'm hoping it pulls out of it. My expectations on appearance weren't high this year as I thrust them into blaring sun and crappish soil. Year of adjustment. This weekend I'm planting my old man & florida thatch. I have a struggling white elephant I wish I could plant but just not enough shade. I will trade it for crotons ;)
A HUGE thank you to Phil S. I had such an excellent time. He gave me some much needed advice on plant placement, especially my beccariophoenix palm as I work out my canopy. I came away today reinforced in knowing plant people are the best. I can't wait to pay it forward as this new place progresses. I miss being able to do that for others. When I look at this pic from just 4 mths ago, I get giddy thinking of how things are changing so quickly.


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Hey Bren I was thinking I started something for you 18 months ago, forgot what it is but if you make the trip we can find something for you I am sure.
Thank you!! I will be a big player at auction too! I am coming down for the croton tour assuming the date sticks for the first week in Nov. Can't wait!