Fall Get Together

a pic of our youngest attendee, Sidney Hernandez, somewhere here a some auction action...


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Hope everyone made it home safely and thank you all for attending, the good food, the stunning crotons, and most importantly the fine fellowship.
Good to see some new attendees from the St. Pete area and some old friends.
That looks great you could start a great collection with a few good picks. They look like some really well grown samples.
Phil, It was certainly a pleasure to tour your garden. You have a great collection of crotons, palms and beautiful cycads! You are a true collector. Thank you for your hospitality. I was happy to meet new collectors and as always great to see everyone and the wonderful plants they brought. Thanks to Jeff for being a great auctioneer.
Thanks so much to our fabulous host, Phil! I had to stay late to get a second tour of his beautiful garden- one tour wasn't enough for me. Thoroughly enjoyed seeing all you people. Old friends, and meeting a few new folks. The crotons auctioned were the best I've ever seen and the most reasonably priced. A great combination for all who went. Of course, Jeff did a great job as always, and everyone looked like they were having a great time. Especially me.
Just got back in town with some great stuff.I will echo everyone's comments as far as the tour and wonderful weather.The only unhappy person was my wife,after stuffing her car with 12 plants for the journey up to Tampa,I double stuffed it on the way back with 15 new plants .Some great plant were offered a the auction at especially reasonable prices.I went up with a budget of $250 and came back with change and some of my buys included Fairchild,a big Exotica,Bob Alonso,3 new hybrids from Jose,Cornelius Halgrim an especially nice Henry's F
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avorite with tons of color and many other plants.Thanks for all your work in putting the day together Phil.
Thank you, Phil! We had a great time! As usual, I don't expect to purchase many crotons, and came home with more than I brought! It was great to see everyone, Awesome event'
It was nice again to come up and see the garden. For me personally as you know, I'm looking at other plants besides your great collection of crotons. Your palms of course and a few of your cycads were an added treat. Thanks for being a gracious host.....it truly showed. I went home with some nice plants that I'm excited about getting and a little dose of inspiration!
Thank you Phil & all the attendees. I had a great time & got some fantastic deals!! I hope to reciprocate by hosting in 2017. Some of my plants (2) playboys, america,embassy,davis estates,queen emma,victory,bradenton noid, bradenton 2, T&T interrupted,herring bone,picturum,mackenzie. I only spent $145. Unfreakingbelievable value!!! Oh & Phil, I owe you a ten spot! Thanks to Keith for bringing broms for me & to Mike for the cuttings. This group is awesome. Oh & Pix, don't worry, the auctions will get easier & I still will do that air layer for you!
Great to see everyone again. Thanks Phil for hosting. What great deals to be had. I came home with 11 new plants, I bought 8 and three were gifts. Thanks Judy, Tim, Mike. Wish we could have these get togethers more often, it was great to see everyone. I hope Ray got the croton bug again!