I am disappointed to say I will not be coming and will certainly miss you all, Anna's beautiful yard, auctioneering to squeeze every dollar out of you and of course the chance to bring a new croton home. It sounds like a nice crowd is coming. I tend to agree with Phil and the last few garden tours that we had, there were an over abundance of plants to auction off, and can drag on with only a handful of bidders only to watch many plants barely bring a few dollars and see people bid on them only so they don't go home with the grower. Most everyone that comes, brings plants to auction off, why not, it's a good way to go home with a few bucks and help pay for the gas right? I firmly agree that if you limit attendees on say 5 to 7 plants, you'll notice that people will bring their best stuff. Newer varieties, larger grown plants, etc. I'm just one voice, I'm not coming, so you all can decide. And also consider having a "For Sale" section which we did have at Annas the first go round. There you can bring extra plants that are priced and sell as "first come, first sold" in a section of the yard. Take pictures!!!