Croton tour Nov 1 in Plantation


Esteemed Member
We are a go for Nov 1.Our schedule is finalized and things are looking great.All of the gardens are looking fantastic and all the recent rains have only improved the plants.The tour will be as follows.

First stop Lamar, arriving any time after 9.30 am ,Lamar will post his house info in a post to follow.Lamar has a great garden literally stuffed to the gills with plants in every conceivable area.We will probably head start to head over to my house anywhere from 10.45 to 11.00am.My house is around 3 miles from Lamar's.

Second stop Mike and Hans, arriving around 11:00am,parking is plentiful as I have a small park in front of my house and everyone can park there.We can have two gardens in this stop.There is a mature garden close by me that truly has some large impressive plants,my garden is relatively new but I might have a few that some have not seen yet :) One or two of you might know Hans.His garden was one of many featured in the second Frank Brown book.Hans is around a two minute walk form my house so we can probably head there as groups.I will have refreshments ready on my patio.We will leave my house around 12.45 or so to head to Mike Harris.I am guessing that Mike is around 10 miles away from my house (15 mins)

Last stop is at Mike Harris,arriving around 1 pm.for those who have not been there it is spectacular and this is also where we will have our auction and lunch.As per usual it will be great is everyone brings something for lunch that way we will have lots of good stuff to go around.Auction limit is 10 plants per person (Jerry is always exempt from this rule :)
Auction plants.jpg
View attachment 28794 I am still working on my plants for the auction but these should be in for sure.
Bonnies Beauty is the small spotted plant (very slow and very pretty)
In the middle is a nice big Joe Friday with some very nice pinks on this one.
Last is a big leaf plant that I got from Keith a while back,I will have to ask him to get me the name.Not too much color but very big leaves with many different shapes.View attachment 28794
Mike, the plan sounds perfect! I am so looking forward to seeing all the beautiful gardens and crotons. Thanks so much to you and Lamar and Mike for arranging all of this for us and for inviting us to your homes. It's so nice of you. We know it's not easy. Thanks again.:D

Your plants look gorgeous! Can't wait for the auction also.
Can schlep some of the following over. See attached pics.
1. Claude Lorraine - 5 gal two pics
2. Col. Gilbert Cutler - big 3 gal.
3. Geisha Girl & Seminole Queen
4. Mosaic & Her Highness
5. Fordii & Cornbread
6. Philip Geduldig

Also have nice 3 gal Gonzalez, Inca, Tiffany, Col Lindberg
Does anyone have any interest in larger crotons in 7 gallon pots? I would be happy to bring some for auction, but I would like to know if this is something that seems reasonable or not. Currently, I have Orange Mona Lisa, Confetti, Baron Le Compte and Irene Kingsley available. Let me know...
Does anyone have any interest in larger crotons in 7 gallon pots? I would be happy to bring some for auction, but I would like to know if this is something that seems reasonable or not. Currently, I have Orange Mona Lisa, Confetti, Baron Le Compte and Irene Kingsley available. Let me know...

I have a truck with plenty of room; would be interested in any those except Irene.
Ok, I will bring a few 7 gallon plants due to the interest. I know that there is the 10 croton auction limit per person, will there be a for sale area like there was at the last auction?
We can ease confusion at the end of the auction by assigning every consigner (seller) a number. Numbered stickers could be on the pots & a corresponding numbered sticker for the consigner to wear. I think it would make it easier to square up at the end.

I'm in for a sale area.
First thought, two decks of cards one blue and one red buyer. During set up owner gets blue at sale red card on plant goes to buyer. A little work at set up but it might work.
It helps if sellers identify their plants; I used my initials PJS in the past. Bring lots of small bills - fives and singles - to make change for those that only brought twenties and larger.
It is normally a rotation of owners to give each person an equal opportunity at the sale. That was behind my thinking of a numbered card system. The colored markers and tags is good just need lots of colors. One of my drawing kits has 15 colors that should help. Mr Black, Mr Green, Mr Pink why am I?
Mr Pink, he is a funny looking little guy..............? Someone has to get it that's two movies. Can you say wood chipper.
Phil,I will post address info and directions when I get back from New York.I am sure Lamar will post his info shortly too.
:)A few air layers for the auction. I still consider myself a newbie truly enjoying growing my croton collection. Hope to share these with other newbies who might not yet have these cultivars. Looking forward to the tour, auction and potluck!!!


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:)A few air layers for the auction. I still consider myself a newbie truly enjoying growing my croton collection. Hope to share these with other newbies who might not yet have these cultivars. Looking forward to the tour, auction and potluck!!!

Great stuff,my pink passion did not survive my move ,I will have a bid on that one for sure