Croton Heads Unite


Staff member
This is something that you guys could help supply usable pics for. I don't have the collection yet to get some of the killer cultivars. While you're checking it out, are these all common ones? They are cuttings we've clipped off around town.


  • CrotonHeadsUnite.jpg
    361.7 KB · Views: 120
Dean - when I click on enlargement image, it is neglible. When I enlarge your post the attachment is blurred. Since the change I have not been able to see photos enlarged to observe leaf details. :(

Croton Heads Unite sounds like a union solidarity call. "I got Bitten by the Croton Bug" is my suggestion. :)

This is something that you guys could help supply usable pics for. I don't have the collection yet to get some of the killer cultivars. While you're checking it out, are these all common ones? They are cuttings we've clipped off around town.
Moose, don't use my Tee-Shirt Image for viewing pruposes - it is low-resolution.

The only thing that was changed is that you need to click the thumbnails to enlarge - whereas before, a simple hover would enlarge. So please check again. No one else has reported any problems. If you still have problems, then I would double check - with older photos. Or is the same thing happening on PalmTalk? Without knowing what browser you are using, or how you have configured your settings, it will be difficult for me to help you. Have you tried a different browser? But I will repeat - nothing has changed that would result in any reduced clarity.

Anyone else having problems?

But mainly, this was a post about a potential Tee-Shirt design - with an example of a concept, not the intended final product. I was hoping you would like it, and suggest sending me photos of rare leafs and names to use with this 'theme' - with different wording or whatever.

Thanks for the suggestion "I got Bitten by the Croton Bug" --- But it's a little hard to squeeze all that on the shirt. Did you have an idea of how it would be laid out? And is that proper English? :)
If there is any interest, I would like to give some of you guys with the good cultivars some directions on how to take a photo so that I can use it on a shirt. Then we could have some of the truly rare and beautiful leafs on a shirt, with their names. Once a design is made, it can go on any color, any style of shirt (tank top, longsleeve, etc)(men's, women's, child) and on sweatshirts, BBQ apron, mouse pads, coffee mugs, etc.

Anyone have a decent camera and some killer leafs. I need at least 8 megapixels - more is better. And a DSLR is even better.
They are both nice. Whose to say you couldn't make both styles. I'd buy one or two.
Maybe we should highlight each leaf type? Maybe keep the coloring more life like. I love the colors used but blues, hot pinks and purples aren't exactly true to form. :p

Although...maybe that's the point, to have fun with it.

I've also seen shirts where on the back they list all types of beer bottle or fishing lures etc. We could put a bunch on a shirt that way.

Either way, I will buy a couple no matter what design is the final product.
Maybe we should highlight each leaf type? Maybe keep the coloring more life like. I love the colors used but blues, hot pinks and purples aren't exactly true to form. :p

Although...maybe that's the point, to have fun with it.

I've also seen shirts where on the back they list all types of beer bottle or fishing lures etc. We could put a bunch on a shirt that way.

Either way, I will buy a couple no matter what design is the final product.
Bren (and others),
I am interested in Bren's comments about the colors. I have not modified the colors in any way. I did use a setting that removed shadows and brightened the eposure a little, but the colors are true - and appear true on my monitor. But this is a common problem with viewing photos on the web, everyone's monitor, and even browsers display and honor different color profiles differently. Do the colors appear unrealistic to others as well???

Here are the originals. And this is how anyone can take a rare leaf photo that I could use on a shirt. Place a cut leaf on a solid background that is a color that does not contain any of the colors in the leaf. These are on cardboard. This is the same principle as the "green screen" in video production. The more uniform and different the background is than any colors contained in the leaf, the easier it is to remove the background. These photos were originally 7/8 MB in size. So they are large detailed photos. The larger and more detailed the better. Please consider trying some pics and if you do, I can tell you how you can send such large files to me simply - by uploading to the wiki.

Bren, how do the colors in these photos look? And did you try viewing on different monitors?
Earlier, viewed pics from phone and 2 pcs. Both looked electric to me. Now on phone, still electric, second from last pic is electric blue with hot pink veining. LOVE it but know it's not possible. Maybe it's me? Regardless, I'd buy a shirt.
Earlier, viewed pics from phone and 2 pcs. Both looked electric to me. Now on phone, still electric, second from last pic is electric blue with hot pink veining. LOVE it but know it's not possible. Maybe it's me? Regardless, I'd buy a shirt.
Interesting - I would like to hear from others, including what browser is being used. Bren, try saving a pic, and then viewing through your photo management software. If it's still blue, then it's your monitor calibration. If it changes, then it's the browser. I'm guessing that you are using IE??? But IE usually makes photos duller, since it doesn't even recognize color profiles, or what they call color managed. So I'm guessing monitor. I'd say it could be me, but I've printed these shirts up with these settings, and they are true to color.

Any other comments please>
Thanks Tons to both you guys. This type of feedback is invaluable. Phil, I assume that means you are using IE???

On a side note: I can't imagine why anyone still uses IE when Firefox and Chrome are available.

Now, how do we help Bren so she can see the true colors?