connie cutler


When I got this one it was in pretty bad shape its been trying to color up . IMG_3707.jpgIMG_3708.jpg
Jeff this came from Mr. Shelton , it wasn't very nice cutting at the time. its been getting some love and care ,this is the best its grown for me this season its been coloring very slowly but has been growing will post as colors start showing
This plant was obtained as a small cutting. It has been relatively slow but has accelerated this growing season. The mild winter sure didn't hurt. This cultivar has been growing in some pretty heavy shade so the coloring potential has yet to be determined. The objectivity was to develope a intense root system and vigorous plant. It will go into the ground after March in a nice high canopy filtered light area.


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This croton also had a heavy infestation of spider mites a couple of months ago. Probably effecting the coloring. I hate those little bastards. They muliply so darn quick. :mad:

A few more shots ...


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Sure looks like the Connie Cutler ....Page 87 in the book Mother plant gets lots of sun is even more yellows and burnt oranges , my plant got attacked by my pet hog , now its cuttings again waiting on the stump to regrow , mother plant is 35 years old or older owner says . Needless to say pig is gone !!!!!!!!


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I'm going to post some pictures of a croton that we got in Hawaii perhaps 10 years ago. This year I changed the lighting on a cutting and it is looking very much like the picture of Connie Cutler to me. Some of you have this croton from me and it would have Nii and a # on the label. The leaf shape, coloring and splotching are very similar. Let me know what you think.

Here are some updated photos of what we have as Connie Cutler. The leaves are getting bigger and she may be getting her mojo going. I've had one unnamed person telling me "its just Columbiana". Using my "croton eye", I don't think so ...

Onward through the fog ... :p


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going to plant my connie cutler in more sun hope to color up
thanks to Bill for my new acquisition.


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