Winter Air Layers


Esteemed Member
What happens to air layers that do not get removed before winter sets in?

Do the roots get cooked off?

Will new roots get regenerated in the Spring?

Does the originally applied rooting stimulator remain effective in the Spring?

Will the bark just grow back?

I've left a few on by mistake and after cutting them off, rehydrating by soaking in water for a day, planting in the normal way, they seem to bounce right back.
I did a bunch last year on Dec 26 with my rooter pots that I got on Christmas Day.They all worked out fine,mainly Stoplight and Dr Frank Brown.I would say they took around 10 -12 weeks to be fully rooted and I did not lose one.I think last year was reasonably warm once we got past that December cold snap ,maybe that helped??

Nothing at all. I still have 4 or 5 that got missed from this past summer. Like Phil stated, they'll be just fine until your ready to remove them. What's amazing is, lots of times the root mass appears to be bone dry, and in some cases, the foil is half off, clinging to stay on and once you cut it and remove to pot it up, the air layer does fine. I would soak the roots first maybe for a couple of hours, even over night.