When will the other shoe drop?

When do we get blasted?

  • Before January 1

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Before January 12

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Before January 23

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Before February 4

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Before February 15

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters

Crazy for Crotons

Well-Known Member
After reading Mike's post a few days ago, I started to wonder when we'll get our first real croton defoliating cold snap. That's 40 through low 40's for the wimpy south Florida crotons and low to mid 30's for the central Florida region. Let's stop kidding ourselves. If you think our current warmth is going to continue through February, you'd better put down the Crack pipe.
Would that be a total defoliation or a partial? How much leaf drop would qualify as partial defoliation? :confused:

Already have seen some leaf drop this fall, most of those leaves being around two years old. Last year only my Inca totally defoliated. It was in a container then, in the ground this season. :)
Focus on the temps and not the defoliation. Let's assume (oh so dangerous) that if Miami drops to 41F and I'm sitting pretty at 34F, we'll both have some unhappy plants.

Sixteen people have viewed this and only one vote (my own) is registered?? It's not a question of if but when the cold air arrives.
Before Feb 15 is my vote.


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I am hoping that we get a break this year.We are due for a very warm winter but we will probably see 40's sometime in January.It sure is warm now and the long range temp forecast shows warm weather for the next two weeks down here.Hi for next thursday is forecast at 83!!
The old orange grove heaters or smudge pots are getting harder to find than R-12 for an ancient refrigeration or AC unit. I had three that I got from Sunken Gardens before it was sold to the City and all three rusted out - and it takes about a year for the diesel oil smell to go away from a leaky one. ...and with diesel at about $3.50 per gallon, they are not cheap to fire up. ..and none for sale on eBay!
Moose Land saw 37 F three times last winter. Only total defoliation: Inca. Picasso's Paintbrush didn't even totally defoliate. We are averaging 10 F above normal so far this season. My prediction is that my garden never sees the mercury drop below 45 F this Winter. If it does, so be it. The 1700 cf of mulch I put down this year should keep the crotons toasty warm. :p

Sin zapato de abajo! :rolleyes:
The North Atlantic Oscillation will be going neutral around the first of the year. That means the high pressure ridge giving us this great weather will be gone in the next couple of weeks. I see a freeze for me before the end of January.
Long range GFS shows return to normal temps for Southeast USA in around 10 days from now.It wont be anything out of the ordinary just back to normal temps for the region.I will probably be back to 70's in the day and 50's in the night.So far this month I am averaging low-mid 80's for high's and 70 for low.Today was pretty hot, 83.5 was my high with a fair bit of humidity also.

The North Atlantic Oscillation will be going neutral around the first of the year. That means the high pressure ridge giving us this great weather will be gone in the next couple of weeks. I see a freeze for me before the end of January.
The North Atlantic Oscillation will be going neutral around the first of the year. That means the high pressure ridge giving us this great weather will be gone in the next couple of weeks. I see a freeze for me before the end of January.

The weather has been so amazing that I am starting to have stupid thoughts. What does the AO look like for the next two weeks? :confused: Ray, bring me back to down to earth.

According to Dr. Jeff Master's Wunderblog, a big solar flare will be arriving tomorrow. It will last two days. Will this be affecting my crotons? Should I move the containered crotons ito deep shade? :confused:
Lets get this poll going for 2013....
The weather pattern is totally screwed up, Here in Trinidad we're in the rainy season and there are hardly any showers, its sweltering hot, my crotons are being scorched and I'm manually watering every day.

My guess...... Late December
White flies are everywhere on Pine Island. I have this sick idea that a cold winter will help with the damn pests. Otherwise, last winter was as good as it gets.
The )(*&^%$#@! spiral whiteflies have made it up to Pinellas Cty also; none in the yard (yet) but more than a few at the Kopcik Palm Arboretum; getting ready to give them their first taste of Safari next week.
The last couple of weeks have been on the cool side. A cool November is never a good sign.

Ray - Hopefully if your predictions are correct, the cold events will not make their way past the Tampa area Tundra. :rolleyes: I'm preparing my plants with some K-mag, Potassium & Magnesium sulfates plus liberally mulching to keep my roots warm.

What is the weather gurus latest winter prognosis for Florida? :confused: