Unknown Croton - ID needed


Well-Known Member
Randy found this one and can get more in the Spring. This was grown from a cutting this summer in my mistbed. All of the leaves are old-growth.


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After perusing The Book, I'm thinking this may be Sybil Griffin (page 114). But the photo in the book is only one I've ever seen. Anyone have another Sybil Griffin for comparison?
I think you got it correct.Sybil Griffin is an good match.Yours seems to have very nice color.

After perusing The Book, I'm thinking this may be Sybil Griffin (page 114). But the photo in the book is only one I've ever seen. Anyone have another Sybil Griffin for comparison?
Well, if it's a General Marshall, then I'm Barack Obama. Taking a look at the Sybil Griffin photos in the Wiki, none of them look like this plant. Then, going back to page 114 in The Book, there are two photos of Sybil Griffin. One, the top one, looks exactly like the Croton in my photo, the other like all the Sybil Griffins in the Wiki. So, and I'm going out on a limb here, the photo at the top left of page 114 is not Sybil Griffin, neither is mine. Therefore, this is still a mystery Croton. Anyone else want to hazard a guess?
I learned a long time ago from B. Frank about this plant, he said usually, a good form of S.G. will have good size, rounded shoulders, but also, the end of the leaf should also have a large,flared rounded head. The middle pic. on page 114, if you look at the leaf on the left side(bleeched out), you'll see what I'm talking about. Ricky, not so sure on your plant.
OK, Here are some photos of the momma plant, It's way behind some very wet foliage & I had my "work" clothes on, so this is the best I could do for now. I don't think it's Sybil Griffin. Now what do you think.:confused:


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OK, Here are some photos of the momma plant, It's way behind some very wet foliage & I had my "work" clothes on, so this is the best I could do for now. I don't think it's Sybil Griffin. Now what do you think.:confused:
Updated photos of "Suzi Silverado". In the ground on the northwest corner of the garden. Late afternoon sun, lots of water (the garden drains through this bed.)


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