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- 10/09/09
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Medinilla Gregori Hambali
The Tropical Fern & Exotic Plant Society presents a panel comprised of Dr. Jeff Block, Ellis Brown, Phil Iloo and Marie Nock who will speak on The Amazing Medinilla on Monday, June 23rd at 7:30 pm. The meeting will take place at FairchildTropical Botanic Garden, 10901 Old Cutler Rd., Coral Gables, FL in the Garden House.
Not a lot is known about Medinillas. Very little is published and online information is difficult to find. And yet this group of plants is growing in popularity. Some gardeners are successful with them and others see cherished plants decline and die. So we have put together a panel of individuals who have collected, grown, bloomed and propagated many varieties of Medinillas for several years. They will share what they have learned through trial and error that has led to their successful practices.
Marie of Ree Gardens will provide an overview of the genus Medinilla and general growing practices. Ellis of Redland Nursery will describe his growing practices and vegetative propagation. Phil of Stelmar Gardens will discuss practices to induce blooming and landscaping with Medinillas. Jeff of Block Botanical Gardens has been growing Medinilla Gregori Hambali from seed and will describe the process he uses. There will be some Medinillas for sale after the presentation.
There is no admission fee and the public is invited to attend this presentation. There will be plants donated by Weeds and Things (Larry and Glenda Weed) for Raffle. Refreshments will be served. For more information please visit or call 305 232-2257.