The very elusive Lemon Top

Crazy for Crotons

Well-Known Member
I've not seen this one in Florida.

Here's a specimen Judy Glock and I thought might be Lemon Top. This was at Heminho's Farm during the 2010 IPS Biennial in Rio de Janeiro.

IMO,the picture above really dosen't come close to matching up with picture in the book on page 115. In the book, Lemon Top shows really no shoulders at all, and the new flush is all yellow. Not mixed with greens. Any other opinions out there? But I agree, it's a rare plant.
Peyton - that was understanding as well. Reportedly when Dr. Frank Brown was in the Philippines, the local croton aficionados wanted nothing to do with the cultivar that had been named after their former first lady. It was then "officially" renamed Lemon Top since the Imelda Marcos name was so offensive to the Philippino people.

All members of the Beatles have never set foot on Philippino land to this day after the "reception" they encountered with Mrs. Marcos. :mad:

I thought Lemon Top was a synonym for Imelda Marcos...
You're right Peyton, they are the same. I'm not going crazy after all. I knew I wanted to post an Imelda photo for a reason. I'll post a photo later of Imelda Marcos at Waimea Falls Park (north shore of Oahu). This one is the labeled as such from Dr. Brown's identification in the 1980's.
It was my understanding that Lemon Top was a very popular croton in the Phillipines. I could be mistaken however, if this be true, why has this cultivar remained so elusive in the States ? :confused:
It was my understanding that Lemon Top was a very popular croton in the Phillipines. I could be mistaken however, if this be true, why has this cultivar remained so elusive in the States ? :confused:

I recently received some cuttings of Lemon Top (Imelda Marcos) from Waimea Falls and they're rooting in the mist house. I also got Davis #17 from them. Anyone have it or heard of it?
I recently received some cuttings of Lemon Top (Imelda Marcos) from Waimea Falls and they're rooting in the mist house. I also got Davis #17 from them. Anyone have it or heard of it?

Marie you never heard this from me, Jeff Searle may be very interested in acquiring a Lemon Top.

Hmmm, do I smell a trade for Jack Pot in the making ??? :rolleyes:
I was told this was lemon top ? I have never quite believed it.
I really stink at names and ids anyways.


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