The Daisy Christine Memorial Garden

Jerry Shilling

Well-Known Member
A few weeks ago our daughter & family came to Houston for a three week visit. Brenda & I are pretty fortunate that our kids can work remotely. Anyway, this allowed me to drive down to Summerland to check on things, load up some clothes & most importantly load up the expresso machine. And Brenda wanted me to get away and recharge my battery's.

It was my first time back in nearly 8 months...what a jungle. I was operating at 100 miles an hour to get things done in the 10 days I had available to me. I worked my ass off & loved every minute of it. I have missed the garden & the Keys.

Going forward, our time in the Keys will be very limited. Ideally, it would be great to have a seasonal rental or something & we could come in for a month when it was open. Maybe a full time renter who loves crotons.

Irregardless...what a croton career I've had. This plant has given me so much joy. We have made friends for life. I have the forum & better yet I know you guys. I can put my grand daughters on my knee & go to the croton encyclopedia & show them a croton named after them. I think that's pretty cool!

It's pretty neat that Brenda & I could show up to a garden tour or a Searle Xmas party or any of these gardens I haven't seen yet - and know that we would be welcome.

I'll stop yapping & get to some introductions.
Introducing "Pixie Little" this hybrid is dedicated to my grand daughter - Pixie Abilene Little.
This guy is 3 years old. The bottom of these leaves develop a deep mauve or burgundy whether the sun hits them or not. It does throw interrupted leaves quite often. It's on the slow side but it's a very cool plant. Judy has a rooted tip cutting from this plant. So only two plants exist presently. This hybrid will be offered at Ron's 4/25 garden tour. All proceeds will go to the Little Daisy Fund.
Wow, this Jerry Schilling introduction along with a Daisy's Dance will draw much attention at the auction for sure ! :SmileyPetals

Keep your croton fever going Jerry, you may well be our modern day Ralph Davis ... :hoe&rake
Oh, Jerry, don't say your croton career is over. Maybe it's just on hold for a while. I do hope you find a renter who will maintain your beautiful garden in the meantime.

On another note, Pixie Little is amazing! The thick and thin leaves remind me a little of the Rocio leaf shape but much more beautiful and full. It will be a great introduction. Can't wait to see more!

Godspeed to Brenda today. We'll be thinking of her. The luck of the Irish to her.
Introducing "Brenda Kay" dedicated to my sweetie of 40 years.

This plant is 5 years old and a litter mate to Daisy's Dance & Daisy Christine.
This is the first air layer off this plant.
A good grower. When this plant is getting a little sun (morning sun ideal), the red in this one will blow you away. For me, I consider "Brenda Kay" an improvement on "Cardinal". The photos below are recent, this air layer was getting too much shade. This plant will be offered at the April 25, garden tour. Proceeds will go the the Little Daisy Scholarship Fund. If you are a red/black fan, you'll love this one.
Hello Jerry..... Mark Woodsmall here.... we've never met but am a horticulturalist from university of ga....
Just wanted to say my prayers are with you and brenda ..... and have been. SINCERELY ....God bless

...and yes, you are amazing with crotons... Mark
Introducing "Emma Grace" this hybrid is dedicated to my grand daughter Emma Grace Shilling.
This hybrid is the fourth sibling of the Daisy's Dance group. Thus this plant is 5 years old. What an amazing seed cluster this was. Especially when it was one of my first hybridizing attempts. This plant will be air layered soon and made available. This plant does well in shade but I like it better with a little more light. So I have included a couple of older ones for Ana before the canopy closed.


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I'm excited to offer this plant at Ron's gala. If you guys recall, this is the mysterious Elaine?. This plant was purchased at one of the Searle Sale's and was mis-labeled Elaine. After at least three years, still no one knows the identity of this plant. It needs a name as it is a gorgeous plant that always looks good. This is the second air layer off the parent. The first one went to Judy. For additional photos & information please see my thread "Elaine?"

Not long ago I offered to name this plant "Jeff Searle." Does this work for everyone? Proceeds from this plant will go to the Daisy Fund.


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When I first posted a photo of Daisy's Dance, I will never forget getting a private message from Keith Hanks. I had the big head for a week!
Anyway, here is a photo of the plant that will be offered at Ron's 4.25.15 garden tour. I bumped this plant up so I could get some fertilizer going. It will look better by sale time. All my plants were giving me hell for being away so long.

I never attended to let this air layer go, as it was the main trunk of the plant. But I'm uneasy being away and this plant can't be lost. What a show Daisy puts on when she begins dancing at the start of each new flush. So here are some recent photos of the air layer followed by some photos from the past. All proceeds will go to the Little Daisy Scholarship Fund.


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So the four I have picked out thus far for Mooselands 4.25.15 spring garden tour are:

Daisy's Dance
Pixie Little
Emma Grace
Jeff Searle (Elaine?)

They just need to catch a ride with someone. I do have a few more showing promise. Let's see how they do
and if anyone wants them included.
I only have one more hybrid, one more croton that I absolutely must dedicate. And it's only fitting that it will be one of these yearlings.

Thank you Jim & Judy for looking after this crop of youngsters. They would have been lost otherwise. Thank you for all the air layers & having us over most weekends to feast on Jim's cooking. What great & close friends you have been.

Searching for the croton - J.J. Glock
Knew I'd be in for a treat if I checked back today... and what a colossal treat! Jerry, they are all beautiful. Some just more spectacular than others. What amazing offerings. I have a feeling the scholarship will be well funded this year.:cool:
Jerry, your crotons are beautiful. Please dont say your croton career is over- you have just begun. Like Ana said, just on hold for awhile. I hope everything goes well for Brenda.
The more I see photos of the incredible crotons that will be up for auction at Moose Land, the more depressed I am that I can't be there. I can't even imagine how much some of those beauties will go for, so maybe it is best that I have another commitment because I would probably either be outbid or have to get a second job to pay for them. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be free for the next auction and need to start saving up now.

Jerry, we have never met as I am relatively new to Florida and very new to the forum, but I must say that I am impressed by what you have created. These are definitely some of the most spectacular crotons I have ever seen. I am sorry to hear about the trials you and Brenda have been going through and truly hope that the future holds nothing but positive times for you both.

I am so glad that you posted all of these great photos so I have an idea of some of the special, one of a kind, plants that I have been hearing will be at the auction. Even though I won't be there, I am still excited to see what might be available at a future auction and just appreciate being able to admire crotons that I have never seen before.

These plants are going to be brightening the gardens of croton lovers for many, many years. As many of your friends have already said, I hope your time away from crotons is temporary and brief. Who knows what other amazing creations you still have in store for the hobby. Best of luck and maybe I will have the pleasure to meet you at a future croton auction when your newest crop of introductions will be met by equally anxious bidders.
WOW WOW WOW !!!! Just flipped at the site of Daisy Dancing.... amazing in the leaf shape as well as the variable colors just a real Treat...... (post #13 I believe) Also, the post #19 of the two year olds are just incredable.... definately a site to follow the next few years. What pastels.... also largely the KEYS MAGIC SYNDROME..... hehe hehe..... Happy Spring everyone.... god bless. Mark
Heading out soon for 8 hours of overtime. Put in to work overtime next week as well. At least I can try and be a contender for a Jerry plant at the auction. George Zammas, always lurking but never posting, loves Jerry's plants. Known him for many years, great guy - but going to put that aside during the auction. I think these plants are going to see some heavy action. :eek: