Sybil Griffen

Plant Nut

Active Member
How many versions of Sybil Griffen are recognized by the "experts"? I'm thinking at least four!
I'm no expert but here's some in the garden:
1. The classic drop-dead-sexy well-colored and deeply lobed version - a Keys grown plant that's been in the ground in a very sunny locationhere for a year.
2. The well-colored and with some lobes and shoulders version- from the party at Jeff Searle's and with his purple tag on it.
3. A not-too-well colored version - this one has been struggling since I got it from John Bender; periodic whompings by royal palm fronds have not helped it.
4. The Green Sybil Griffen - from auction at last meeting at Rick Leitner's.
Now you know as much as I do so knock yourselves silly.....

Anyone know who Sybil Griffen was? A Google search turned up nothing. Call it what you want but a well-grown one is a splendid sight.


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As time goes by I am thinking that they may be 4.A plant that Pocomo has labeled C & B looks like it could be yellow Sybil Griffen.The more I look at it the more I am thinking that Ray has called this one correctly.

I'm no expert but I know of only 2.
I am workin on the name tags, Phil is this S. G.?


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Lamar -
no idea on first one but it is not a SG.
second one looks more like Corot to me than Pres Reagan (Reagan usually has a lot more deep red to it than Corot).

onward through the fog...
Patience grasshopper's the movers and shakers have a plan in motion. Mike and the other planners have a combo meeting planed for next spring. That said you can call and come by anytime you are in the area, that said just a little warning and food and drink could be available.


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