Sunken Gardens in St. Pete

Phil Stager

Esteemed Member
I'll be giving my usual one hour dog and pony show on crotons this Saturday at 11:30 am at Sunken Gardens here in St. Pete. My new handout gives the URL for this site.
Phil, thanks for the heads up. Sorry that I will miss it. A trip that like for me has to be somewhat planned unfortunately. Hope it goes well, and I would like to attend some day. By the way, I don't have your handout, so what is the URL? Thanks.
It's the URL for this site, the one you're reading now. I used to give out info on The Croton Society when there was one. I've got a lesson plan I use so I don't forget anything since those in the audience are usually beginners, newbies, etc. It covers croton basics - what a croton is, 9 major leaf types, propagation by air layer, pests, fertilization, pinching, etc. I bring along load of 1 - 3 gal plants for a show and tell.
Phil, thanks for the heads up. Sorry that I will miss it. A trip that like for me has to be somewhat planned unfortunately. Hope it goes well, and I would like to attend some day. By the way, I don't have your handout, so what is the URL? Thanks.

I agree Tim, a road trip would have been nice. Perhaps with a "newbie" crowd Phil may have not thought we would that interested? I hope we get some new people on this forum from Phil's presentation! ;)