some odds


some sports and other stuff


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amazing some grow so much faster than others


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too cold to work today #1 della mghee
#4 I thought was a tiger eye? but not sure


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Hi and welcome to the #1 forum on crotons. Maybe you can tell us who you are and a little history about yourself. I'm sure the viewers would be interested as well.
What a great collection you have! Is the one you think might be Tiger Eye two plants? The leaf shapes look different and if there are two plants, I think the one in front is Embassy and the one in back is Sunrise. Definitely not Tiger Eye.
kingeddie - Interesting, your first photo looks very simular to my very first original photo of Black Beauty on 09/15/2009. :rolleyes:

That is odd :eek:

First photo is mine as referenced above.

Second photo is the first photo from post #1.

Hmmmmmmm :rolleyes:


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    Black Beauty from original post.jpg
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Dave, I would like to let you stick around and post some more of your nice photos. But every time I have tried, you have burned me. And I certainly can't let you stay when you "sneak" in.
What if it's not Dave?
And even if it is, why not let him stay as long as he's decent which so far kingeddie has been, aside from borrowing Moose's photo...
And lots of members here are anonymous with no real names in their profiles...
What if it's not Dave?
And even if it is, why not let him stay as long as he's decent which so far kingeddie has been, aside from borrowing Moose's photo...
And lots of members here are anonymous with no real names in their profiles...

I also see no harm done, kingeddie never said that they were his pictures. I have noticed pictures that I have posted on this forum, taken by me of my plants used on another forum. I see no harm done with the use of my pictures. I would think Moose would agree.
Been there, done that. I argued to let him stay last time he registered because he started out posting nicely, and it had been some time since his last banishment. I did everything I could do to accomodate him and was on his side - even though several people, including some Directors in the Croton Society, thought it best to keep him off.

But it didn't last. And he not only bad mouthed people here, but also on his own site. So he has now burned bridges here and at PalmTalk several times. He just can't keep his cool. And it's too bad. In fact, it was Dave and his bad behavior who convinced me to retire as Moderator here when Bren volunteered to pick up the slack. But she got chased away by him as well. So now I'm back. Note that a lot occurs behind the scenes that you guys are never aware of, and if you knew it all you would agree that Dave is a hopeless case.

BTW - If it's not Dave, it's someone using Dave's computer.
I also see no harm done, kingeddie never said that they were his pictures. I have noticed pictures that I have posted on this forum, taken by me of my plants used on another forum. I see no harm done with the use of my pictures. I would think Moose would agree.

Scott - yes I agree. I've seen the very same photo of Black Beauty posted on another forum. I'm all about spreading the love and the encouragement of use of these wonderfull plants in the landscape.

Also, I have used photos posted here and put them on Palm Talk. In the "Old Croton Illustrations" thread for the photos posted by Peyton. Also in the "Tis the Season" and "Codiaeum variegatum in the Landscape" threads. Links and references to this forum were also posted in those threads. The purpose is to continue "spreading the Love". Palm Talk is a very heavily visited site and introduction of crotons to others, who may not know of this forum, is a positive thing in my opinion.

As to kingeddie being Dave Butler, I have no idea. It is my sincere wish that Dave Butler could be a regular contributor here. However, Mr. Butler has proved to be toxic on any forum he has been a member of, including his own. Because of his "past practice" and behaviors, I must unfortunately render my support to Dean on his decision. :(