Some Crotons at the Auction


Esteemed Member
If you got a rooted cutting of Pride of Winter Haven at the auction yesterday, this is the source plant. :)


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If you got the single rooted cutting of MacAdoo, this is the source plant.

This is an old cultivar not often encountered. It is a green and yellow type with the yellow coloration so brillant that it tries to go to yellow-orange but does not quite make it. This plant is situated where it is shaded until about 1:00 pm at this time of the year. It then gets hit with harsh sun until about 6:00 pm until the western tree's shade envelopes it.

The second photo is the branch that the cutting was taken. Three new young shoots have erupted from the "pinch". :)


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If you won the only available rooted cutting of Jungle Queen at the auction on Saturday, this is the plant that the cutting was taken from. This is a fabulous cultivar that should be added to any croton fan's garden if you don't have one! :)

The second photo is a yet to color leaf from the same Jungle Queen. The cutters are for scale. ;)


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If you are the lucky new owner of the rooted cutting of Carmen Christian from the croton tour auction on Saturday, this is the source plant. This cultivar is not encountered often. It was acquired from Marie Nock. I consider it to be one of "the jewels" in Moose Land. :)


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There was one rooted cutting of Leopardia that went home to some fortunate crotonhead from the croton garden tour auction on Saturday. Leopardia has been a steady grower in my garden that has gone mostly unblemished in the last two winters.

The second photo is a close up of an older leaf. These colors develope on the leaves as the growing season progresses. :cool:


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There was a single Baron Rothschild rooted cutting at the auction. This is the source plant growing in too heavy of shade. I need to trim back some branches so this croton will get more sun and return to its typical stiarations of color. :)


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There was a rooted cutting of Twist & Point at the auction. Here is the souce plant. It is gets full afternoon sun. :cool:


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There was a Davis #1 rooted cutting at Saturday's croton garden tour auction. Here are some images of the donor plant. :eek:


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There were 2 rooted cuttings of Pink Eburneum available at the croton garden tour auction. If you took one of these home, here is the donor plant. :)


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There were two Fishbone cultivars available at the garden tour auction. One was a beautifully cultivated airlayered plant that Phil had generously donated. :cool: The other was a rooted cutting that came from the Moose Land. The donor plant to the rooted cutting is seen below. :) This plant gets a pretty heavy dose of sunlight.


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There were three rooted cuttings of Ram's Horn that found new homes at last Saturday's auction at the Croton Garden Tour. These cultivars enjoy a fair amount of sun.

Here is the plant that the cuttings came from. This was not originally planted in an area that received much sun and it stayed mostly green and grew little. After it was moved, it sat for a little while restablishing its roots and then really started to flourish. :)


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