Yes the mist house, high temp 85* plus high humidity(water drips from the ceiling) bright filtered sun(you can see a shadow from my IPad) This was an experiment not great controls the trays outside of the Misty have not popped yet but all seeds are not created equally. This is another example of an old person with time to do silly things just for the halibut.
Anna, you have got to be careful asking me questions, I may give you more information then you want. 1. I buy one scoop 1 1/2 yards of commercial mix (dumped in the back of my pick-up). 2. Lambert Can. Peat 3 bushel bags, 4 of them added thur the course of using all the above mix. 3. Houactinite 150lbs added with the peat (Hou. is a locally produced sewer treatment material like Milorganite.). Last year some time back we talked about what everyone used in their potting mix I have changed to the above since that time. It might take me two months to get all that stuff out of my pick-up but like I said old people have a different schedule.
. That is a nice young PLAYBOY in the from yard jungle. He sent a message (How you doing------come see me some time)