Searle sale extravaganza coming up

Hi Anna,

It sounds like your coming down(?) ! The palm list is complete and the croton list should be done by wednesday. As soon as Ryan can post it, he will, later this week. So far, the Glocks, Ray and Tim have stated their coming down, or up. Lol. Were expecting a nice group after the friday sale is finished back at the house. Anyone here that might come to the sale is more than welcome to come over, anytime after 5pm.
Yes, Jeff, I've talked my husband into coming down again! It's fortunate I have a birthday right around the time of the extravaganza. No jewelry for me, it's crotons, compost and digging holes.

Ok, it's Wednesday, so where's the list?

By the way, I'm all for talking about goings on in the forum/society, but I can't stay past the sale (the husband thing), so if we can, can we talk after we get our plants on our carts? If not, that's fine, I just won't be able to be there, but maybe someone can let me know what you all have decided about whatever.:)
I have the first draft of the Croton list ready and since this topic had been created, figured might as well post it here. As always the list can change between now and next weekend. Most likely it will be added to, as Jeff finds more plants to pull. He has in the past, omitted items from the list on purpose just to hide them in amongst other plants and surprise the die hard collectors when they find them. I had an idea once to organize them in the section alphabetically, but that idea was shot down quickly. Seems to give even odds to the customers if they have to hunt and search upon arriving to the section. If I know about any additions to the list I will post them here.

Searle Brothers Nursery, Inc.
The Rainforest Collection®

The 16th Annual Spring ‘Ganza

March 7th, 8th 9th,
14th, 15th & 16th - 2014

Croton List
Draft 2-28-14*

170 Cultivars

Common Name
A. B. Cartledge
Alley Cat
American Made
Angel Wing
Aubrey Christian
Baron Le Compté
Ben Alexander
Black Beauty
Blotched, Charmer
Candy Cane
Captain Gilbert Cutler
Captain Kid
Catch Up
Catherine Gephart
Caution Light
Claude Lorraine
Compté de Germiny
Craigii Supreme
Daisy Ortega
Davis #1
Davis #10
Davis #7
Davis Compacta
Dream Girl
Dreer #7
Duke of Windsor
Earl of Derby
Earl's Court
Eleanor Roosevelt
Father's Day
Faye Miller
Florida Sunset R.K.
Franklin Roosevelt
Fred Sanders
General MacArthur
General Marshall
General Paget
Gold Dust
Gold Finger
Golden Glow
Harvest Moon
Helen Edge
Her Highness
Hot & Steamy
Jean Francis Fascell
Joanna Coppinger
John Bender
Judy's Beauty
Jungle Queen
King of Siam
Kiss & Tell
L. M. Rutherford
Lady Claire
Lord Bellhaven
Louis Dupuy
Lover's Night
Lt. Paget
Madame Butterfly
Madame Fernand Kohl
Major Dade
Maximum (Bender #2)
Miami Beauty
Mike Fascell
Mona Lisa
Mrs. Iceton
Mrs. Snyder Disraili
Norman Rockwell
Philippine Red
Pink Davis
Pink Eburneum
Pink Passion
Plaid Oak
Pop's Yard
President Eisenhower
President Reagan
Pride of Naples
Prince of Orange
Queen Elizabeth
Queen of Siam
Rainbow Candy
Rainbow Starlight
Rams Horn
Red Foot
Red Quill
Rheedi #3
Richard Krukonis
Robert Halgrim
Royal Flush
Rudy Bachman
Seminole Pride
Son of Joe Friday
Stain Glass
Sweet Marie
Thai Hybrid
Thomas Edison
Thomas Hitchcock
Tiger Eye
Twist & Point
V. L. Pink
Van Buren
Victor Lemoine
Voncilla Barley
W. F. Dreer
West Wall
White Ann Rutherford
White Bravo
William Jennings Bryan
Wooton Beauty
Yellow Croc
Yellow Duncan Macaw
Yellow Fever
Yellow Mammey
Yellow Mrs. Iceton
Yellow Petra

The first draft of the Palm and Cycad list is now ready. There is still more time to pull plants between now and next weekend, plus I have a mental note of more that could be added -- therefore I put the draft status at 90 percent completed. I am sending out copies to those who have asked for one and those who will ask. The list can be copy and pasted into any software used to print material. Post any questions here about either list or PM them to Jeff or me.

Searle Brothers Nursery, Inc.
The Rainforest Collection®

The 16th Annual Spring ‘Ganza

March 7th, 8th, 9th,
14th, 15th & 16th - 2014

Palm & Cycad List
Draft 3-1-14* - 90%

Approx. 304 species

Genus Species Sizes
Acanthophoenix crinita 4in
Acrocomia crispa #10
Actinokentia divaricata #1 #2
Actinorhytis calapparia #2
Allagoptera caudescens 4in
Archontophoenix myolensis #1
Archontophoenix purpurea #3 #10
Archontophoenix tuckeri 4in
Areca camarinensis #1
Areca catechu #1 #3 #10
Areca latiloba = montana
Areca montana #1
Areca triandra #1
Areca vestiaria #3 #7
Areca vestiaria var. ‘Maroon Leaf’ #1 #7
Arenga hookeriana #7
Arenga microcarpa #3
Arenga obtusifolia #10
Arenga pinnata #1
Arenga tremula #3
Arenga undulatifolia #7
Asterogyne martiana 4in
Astrocaryum aculeatissimum #2
Astrocaryum alatum #2
Astrocaryum standleyanum #3
Attalea cohune #25
Attalea funifera #7
Bactris gasipaes var. 'Spineless' #3
Balaka microcarpa 4in
Balaka seemannii #3
Basselinia glabrata #3
Basselinia humboldtiana 4in
Beccariophoenix alfredii #1 #7
Beccariophoenix madagascariensis #7 #10
Beccariophoenix sp. 'Coastal Form' #20
Bentinckia condapanna #3
Bentinckia nicobarica #10
Borassodendron machadonis 4in
Brassiophoenix drymophloeoides 4in
Burretiokentia dumasii 4in
Burretiokentia grandiflora 4in
Burretiokentia hapala #1 #7
Butia yatay #10
Calyptrocalyx aff. fasciculatus 4in
Calyptrocalyx awa #7
Calyptrocalyx hollrungii #7
Calyptrocalyx leptostachys 4in
Calyptrocalyx pachystachys 4in
Calyptrocalyx polyphyllus 4in(a) 4in(b)
Calyptrocalyx sp. ‘Kal-Keyik’ #1
Calyptrocalyx sp. ‘Sanumb’ #7a #7b
Calyptrocalyx spicatus #1
Calyptrogyne ghiesbreghtiana #2
Carpentaria acuminata #1
Carpoxylon macrospermum #3
Caryota cumingii #10
Caryota kiriwongensis #10
Caryota mitis #1 #7
Caryota no #10
Caryota obtusa #25
Caryota ophiopellis #7 #15
Caryota rumphiana #3 #7
Ceratozamia latifolia #7
Chamaedorea adscendens #3
Chamaedorea anemophila 4in #3
Chamaedorea arenbergiana #3
Chamaedorea brachypoda #7
Chamaedorea cataractarum #1 #7
Chamaedorea deckeriana #7
Chamaedorea elegans var. 'Negrita' #3
Chamaedorea ernesti-augustii #3a #3b
Chamaedorea fragrans #7
Chamaedorea geonomiformis #1
Chamaedorea hooperiana #7
Chamaedorea metallica #1 #3
Chamaedorea oblongata #1
Chamaedorea plumosa #3
Chamaedorea sartorii 4in
Chamaedorea stolonifera #1
Chamaedorea tuerckheimii var. 'Veracruz Form' #1
Chambeyronia macrocarpa #15
Chambeyronia macrocarpa var. ‘Houailou’ #3
Chambeyronia macrocarpa var. hookeri #10
Chelyocarpus chuco #1
Chuniophoenix hainanensis 4in #1
Chuniophoenix nana #7
Clinostigma ponapense #15
Clinostigma savoryanum #7
Coccothrinax borhidiana #7
Coccothrinax borhidiana var. 'Hybrid' #3
Coccothrinax crinita #10
Coccothrinax crinita subsp. brevicrinis 4in
Coccothrinax miraguama #1
Cocos nucifera var. ‘Malayan Green’ et al.
Copernicia alba #1
Copernicia baileyana #7
Copernicia berteroana #7
Copernicia prunifera #10
Copernicia rigida #3 #15
Corypha umbraculifera #7
Corypha utan #3 #7
Cryosophila albida = warscewiczii
Cryosophila warscewiczii #1 #3
Cyphophoenix elegans #7
Cyphophoenix nucele #7 #25
Cyphosperma balansae 4in
Cyphosperma trichospadix 4in
Cyrtostachys renda #7 #10 #20
Cyrtostachys sp. 'Hybrid' #7 #20
Dictyosperma album et al.
Dioon edule #7
Dioon spinulosum #7
Drymophloeus beguinii = litigiosus
Drymophloeus litigiosus #7
Drymophloeus oliviformis #7
Drymophloeus sp. 'Patipi' 'Irian Jaya' #7
Dypsis albofarinosa #1
Dypsis ambositrae #1
Dypsis arenarum 4in #3
Dypsis baronii #1
Dypsis basilonga #5
Dypsis canaliculata #7
Dypsis carlsmithii #10
Dypsis crinita #10
Dypsis faneva 4in
Dypsis heteromorpha #15
Dypsis lanceolata #3
Dypsis lantzeana 4in
Dypsis lastelliana #15
Dypsis madagascariensis #7
Dypsis mananjarensis #7
Dypsis minuta 4in
Dypsis onilahensis var. 'Weepy Form' #10
Dypsis ovobontsira #7 #10
Dypsis paludosa #3
Dypsis pilulifera #1
Dypsis plumosa #10
Dypsis procera 4in
Dypsis psammophila #7
Dypsis pusilla #10
Dypsis rivularis #1
Dypsis robusta #7
Dypsis saintelucei #7
Dypsis scottiana 4in
Dypsis serpentina 4in
Dypsis sp. ‘Betafaka’ #7
Dypsis sp. ‘Pink Crown’ #1
Dypsis sp. 'Unknown - Rare' #3
Dypsis utilis #7
Euterpe oleracea #7
Euterpe sp. 'Orange Crownshaft' #15
Gaussia princeps #1 #7 #15
Geonoma cuneata 4in
Geonoma interrupta #3
Heterospathe barfodii #1
Heterospathe elata #7
Heterospathe glauca = B. barfodii
Heterospathe intermedia #10
Heterospathe longipes 4in
Heterospathe minor #7
Heterospathe negrosensis #1
Hydriastele beguinii #7 #15
Hydriastele beguinii var. 'Obi Island Form' #3 #15
Hydriastele cylindrocarpa #1
Hydriastele dransfieldii #7
Hydriastele kasesa #3 #7
Hydriastele longispatha #10a #10b
Hydriastele microcarpa 4in
Hydriastele sp. 'Highland Form' 4in
Hyophorbe indica #7 #10
Hyophorbe lagenicaulis et al.
Hyophorbe lagenicaulis x verschaffeltii #7
Hyophorbe verschaffeltii et al.
Iguanura wallichiana 4in
Iriartea deltoidea #1 #2
Johannesteijsmannia altifrons #1 #2
Johannesteijsmannia perakensis #3
Kentiopsis oliviformis #3 #7
Kentiopsis pyriformis #3a #3b
Kerriodoxa elegans #1 #7
Laccospadix australasicus #1
Lanonia dasyantha #1
Latania loddigesii #3
Latania lontaroides #15
Latania verschaffeltii #1 #3 #10
Lepidozamia peroffskyana #1 #3
Licuala cabalionii #7 #10
Licuala distans #7
Licuala ferruginea 4in
Licuala fordiana #2
Licuala glabra var. selangorensis 4in #2
Licuala grandis 5in #3 #7 #10
Licuala khoonmengii #1
Licuala lauterbachii var. bouganvilliensis #7
Licuala mattanensis var. mapu #1
Licuala merguensis #10
Licuala naumannii 4in
Licuala orbicularis 4in
Licuala paludosa 4in #2 #7
Licuala peekelii #7
Licuala peltata 4in #3
Licuala peltata var. sumawongii #1 #3 #7
Licuala poonsakii var. 'Ratee' #7
Licuala ridleyana #2
Licuala rumphii #1 #7
Licuala sallehana #1
Licuala sp. 'Papua New Guinea' #7
Licuala sp. 'Pre-ati' #3
Licuala sp. 'Yal Bral' #7
Licuala spinosa #15
Licuala stenophylla 4in
Licuala triphylla 4in
Linospadix palmerianus 4in
Livistona jenkinsiana #10
Livistona rotundifolia = Saribus rotundifolius
Livistona speciosa = jenkinsiana
Loxococcus rupicola 4in
Lytocaryum hoehnei #7
Lytocaryum weddellianum 4in
Marojejya darianii #1
Mauritia flexuosa #1
Mauritiella armata #7 #10
Metroxylon vitiense #2 #15
Nenga pumila #1 #10
Neoveitchia storckii #10
Nephrosperma van-houtteanum #1
Normanbya normanbyi #3
Pelagodoxa henryana #15
Phoenix pusilla 4in
Phoenix roebelenii et al.
Phoenix rupicola #3 #15
Phoenix zeylanica = pusilla
Pholidostachys pulchra #7
Phytelephas aequatorialis #3
Pinanga adangensis 4in
Pinanga coronata #10
Pinanga coronata var. 'blunt-thin leaf form' #10
Pinanga gracilis #7
Pinanga javana 4in
Pinanga philippinensis #2
Pinanga sessilifolia 4in
Pinanga sp. ‘Blue Fruit’ #2
Pinanga sp. 'kanchanaburiensis' 4in
Pinanga speciosa 4in #7a #7b
Polyandrococos caudescens = Allagoptera caudescens
Prestoea ensiformis var. 'Entire Leaf Form' 4in
Pritchardia affinis = maideniana
Pritchardia beccariana #1 #7
Pritchardia hillebrandii var. 'Blue Dwarf' #1
Pritchardia kaalae var. minima #7
Pritchardia maideniana #1 #3
Pritchardia martii #1
Pritchardia schattaueri #3
Pseudophoenix sargentii var. navassana #3
Pseudophoenix vinifera #10
Ptychococcus paradoxus #10
Ptychosperma burretianum 4in
Ptychosperma lauterbachii #7 #10
Ptychosperma microcarpum #10
Ptychosperma propinquum #10
Ptychosperma pullenii 4in
Ptychosperma sanderanum #3
Ptychosperma schefferi 4in
Ptychosperma sp. #7
Ptychosperma vestitum #10
Ravenea dransfieldii #3
Reinhardtia gracilis var. rostrata 4in
Reinhardtia latisecta #3 #7
Rhapis cochinchinensis 4in
Rhapis excelsa cv. nana ‘Super Dwarf’ #1
Rhapis humilis x cochinchinensis 'Alicia' #7
Rhapis laosensis = cochinchinensis
Rhapis multifida #1 #7
Rhapis sp. 'Hybrid' #7
Rhapis subtilis #7
Roystonea borinquena #10
Roystonea oleracea #3
Sabal domingensis #1 #3
Sabal mauritiiformis 4in
Sabal uresana #3
Salacca zalacca #3
Saribus rotundifolius 4in
Satakentia liukiuensis #1
Schippia concolor #3
Syagrus amara 4in
Syagrus botryophora #2
Syagrus cearensis #3 #7
Syagrus coronata #3
Syagrus sancona #7
Tahina spectabilis #20
Thrinax radiata et al.
Veitchia arecina et al.
Veitchia filifera #7
Veitchia metiti #1
Veitchia sessifolia = filifera
Verschaffeltia splendida 4in #15
Voanioala gerardii #7
Wallichia disticha #3
Wodyetia bifurcata et al.
Zamia fairchildiana #7
Zamia inermis #3
Zamia pumila #3
Zamia roezlii #3
Zamia vazquezii et al.

That's a crazy cool palm list Jeff. I wish they had a bridge to the mainland and I would be there. Or too bad I couldn't download a few, or have Ryan attach some to an email for me. :)
I picked up a few including Limelight,Bimbo ,#93 and a very nice Pride of Naples,I also picked up a nice Dypsis Madagascariensis for the front yard.It was a great day and I will probably head back Sunday to see what I missed :)

That's a crazy cool palm list Jeff. I wish they had a bridge to the mainland and I would be there. Or too bad I couldn't download a few, or have Ryan attach some to an email for me. :)
I picked up a few including Limelight,Bimbo ,#93 and a very nice Pride of Naples,I also picked up a nice Dypsis Madagascariensis for the front yard.It was a great day and I will probably head back Sunday to see what I missed :)

I got more than a few :eek:. Today I was like a little hen walking around trying to find spots for my new acquisitions! It was a great sale and a beautiful day.
Pretty funny. I think I showed up to this by accident. I had no idea that it was a special sale weekend. I bought two Dictyosperma Albums.

Is it only open to the public during those special weeks?