Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! -●●●- RAIN DATE -●●- October 14th-16th


OCT 14TH, 15TH, 16TH
Searle Brothers Nursery, Inc. &

The Rainforest Collection®

The 13th Annual Fall Plant Extravaganza!
October 7th, 8th & 9th 2011

As I look outside my window, I see palms and plants that have put on incredible growth this summer. The added rain and heat have made many species just scream out of pots and those in the ground flower for the first time. A great experience indeed. This feeling of botanical envy is shared with many Forum members along with tons of fellow palm fanatics and tropical plant enthusiasts around Florida. It gets us out into the yard even when it is hot, muggy and overrun with mosquitoes. It also gets us in the planting mood for the Fall as the weather turns mild. The Fall Extravaganza has been routinely scheduled for early October for this very reason. It gives the nursery a seasonal event to be open to the public and let everyone and anyone in to see what was grown over the summer; and to give them a chance to grab a favored plant.

The spring and fall Searle Brothers’ Plant Extravaganzas have become a great way for IPS Members, Palmtalk Forum Members and fellow tropical palm & plant enthusiasts to come together and meet in the South Florida area. The events have always been a great way to spend a weekend in the company of those who share your passion for gardening and collecting tropical ornamental plants. To describe the events as just mere plant sales would be an understatement; as they have become much more in the form of social events for our friends and family. Forum members, friends and people have all come from far and wide to attend and we are continuously surprised in the distances they will cover to share in the event. In regards to the following details, I have tried to include as much information about the upcoming Fall Extravaganza as I can. If you see something that you need to know that is missing and should be added, please post the idea(s) here or contact me or Jeff Searle with the methods listed below and let us know...

South Florida Location:
Searle Brothers Nursery, Inc.
6640 SW 172nd Avenue
Southwest Ranches, Florida 33331
Western Broward County

Fall 2011 Schedule:
Friday, October 7th - 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday, October 8th - 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Sunday, October 9th - 9:00AM - 4:00PM

- Our Famous Weekend Free BBQ Lunch: (Saturday 11:00AM - 2:00PM) – (Sunday, 11:00AM - 2:00PM)


Contact List:
Nursery Office #: (954) 434-7681
Nursery Fax #: (954) 680-2750
Nursery Website:
Jeff Searle #: (954) 658-4317 Email: Private Message: PM Jeff Searle
Ryan (Palmarum) Email:

This is a general street map of western Broward County, Florida showing the location of the nursery (Palm tree symbol). Using Sheridan Street would be the best option to get to the nursery if you are heading west through the county. If you are taking the Florida Turnpike, use the Griffin Road exit from the north, or the Pines Blvd. exit from the south. If you need any additional directions, please contact the nursery, Jeff or I (Ryan). When you get close to the nursery, look for large power lines as they run east and west above the nursery. Parking is along the shoulder of 172nd Avenue in front of, and down the street from, the nursery entrance. If you intend to arrive early before sunrise (and many usually do) be wary of hard-to-see speed bumps along 172nd Avenue and there is a possibility of a speed trap as well.



Plant Availability, Photo Requests:
For plant availability including a copy of the ever-growing list of palms, cycads and other information regarding which plants and species will be for sale, please contact the nursery, Jeff Searle or I (Ryan). The plant selection process has already begun and will continue right up to the last day before the Extravaganza, (sometimes even on the mornings of the event if the need applies.) The sale lists for palms, cycads and crotons will be made available as soon as they are completed. Special selections might be pulled for sale as requests, but only if the plants are available. There will be certain species, varieties and cultivars that will only become available in limited quantities. These rarer plants will likely sell out quickly in the morning hours, so be sure to arrange your wish list accordingly. Plant groups may have been moved around the sales area, relocated, or added in with others. In order to speed your way to your favorite plants please ask a nearby volunteer as to their location.

Like with previous events, I will be able to provide preview photos of the actual plants for sale. They will be posted in this topic for those who are interested. Send me a message or an email with the names of the plants you would like to see, including members of specific groups or genera. Sale booklets will be made available at the Extravaganza. They will include the sale list of palms, cycads and crotons for sale. Holders located at both entrances to the main shade house will have the booklets on display. As soon as I have a basic list of species and varieties for sale, I will be able to email or PM it to anyone who would want a copy. Each plant will be priced with either a lavender tag or will have the price written on the pot.

Featured Plant Groups:
The plant selection at the Extravaganza is constantly growing and changing. The largest and most diverse group is by far the Palms, of which there will be over 300 species available. The Fall also is the peak time for crotons as the summer months are the ideal time for production. The croton cultivars for sale currently number more than 160.

Heliconias and Gingers:
Tropical Flowering Trees and Shrubs:
Landscape Ornamentals:
Rare and Hard-to-find Exotics:
and more: There is always a chance a new & exotic species of tropical plant will make its way into the sales area.

The Sale Flyer:
The nursery will soon mail out sale flyers to everyone on our mailing list. If you are on the mailing list and do not receive one, please let Jeff or myself know. In addition, if you would like to be placed on the mailing list for future Extravaganza flyers, please send a message to me with your address.

Plant Carts:
We do provide a limited amount of carts for customers to use, but it is recommended that you bring your own plant shopping conveyance. The carts do go quickly in the morning of each day, soon after the gates open and customers make their way to the sales area. During the day when they are returned from the holding area or the parking lot, they are placed back on the concrete pad across from the register area.

Previous Extravaganza:
This past Spring Extravaganza in March was a celebration of warmth as we had once again survived a long winter. It was a great time with friends and family and many came out to get a plant or two (or more). Follow the link below to relive the excitement. I looked over the photos once again and I am always thinking of new ways to showcase the Extravaganza, usually from a ladder or some other location. I might have to use aircraft this Fall, or put cameras in plants...

Link: The 13th Annual Spring Extravaganza


Information and Invitation:
If you need any more details regarding plants, directions, or anything that I have not included above, feel free to contact the nursery, Jeff Searle or myself by the methods mentioned above. Feel free to post any messages, questions, etc. in this topic. Jeff Searle, I and all the family members and volunteers look forward to meeting everyone including new and familiar Palmtalk Forum members and IPS members at the upcoming Extravaganza. Be sure to find one of us and introduce yourself. You will be sure to find other Forum members at the event as well, possibly walking right past you down an aisle or grabbing for the same plant. The entire Searle family and the masses of volunteers will be waiting to help you find that perfect plant.

We hope to see you there!​

Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

Here is the current list of croton cultivars. Feel free and dive into the list and search out any spelling errors made on my part (or Jeff's) and post a correction.

This list is at 90% level of completion, as more cultivars may be added or removed in the near future.

The current total is at 162 cultivars. Post a request if there is a cultivar you want and do not see on the list, maybe Jeff has it somewhere.

Searle Brothers Nursery, Inc. &
The Rainforest Collection

The 13th Annual Fall Plant Extravaganza
October 7th, 8th, & 9th – 2011
Croton List - Draft 9-19-11(b)

Common Name
A. B. Cartledge
Angel Wing
Baron Rothschild
Ben Alexander
BH #17 Go Reds
Black Beauty
Bloched Charmer
C. I. Craigin
Captain Gilbert Cutler
Captain Kid
Caution Light
Charles Rutherford
Christian's Landscape
Colin Kelly
Compté de Castelaine
Cover Girl
Craigii Supreme
Daisy Ortega
Davis #1
Davis #7
Della McGee
Dr. Alix
Dr. Frank Brown
Dr. Lin Yu Tang
Duke of Windsor
Duncan Macaw
Earl of Derby
Eleanor Roosevelt
Ethel Craig
Father's Day
Fred Sanders
Geisha Girl
General Lawrence
General MacArthur
General Marshall
General Paget
Glen Roof
Gold Dust
Harvest Moon
Her Highness
Hot & Steamy
Irene Kingsley
Jean Francis Fascell
Joanna Coppinger
Joe Friday
John Bender
John Soar
Judy's Beauty
Jungle Queen
King of Siam
Lady Claire
Little Chief
Lord Bellhaven
Louis Dupuy
Lt. Paget
Madame Butterfly
Madame Fernand Kohl
Martha Brooks
Maximum (Bender #2)
Miami Beauty
Mona Lisa
Mrs. Iceton
Mrs. Snyder Disraili
Norman Rockwell
Old Legend
One in the Head
Picasso's Paintbrush
Pink Eburneum
Pink Passion
Plaid Oak
Pop's Yard
Porter's Pink Veitchii
President Eisenhower
President Reagan
Pride of Naples
Pride of Winter Haven
Prince of Orange
Red Excurrens
Red Quill
Rheedi #3
Robert Halgrim
Royal Flush
Rudy Bachman
Sturrork's Pink Veitchii
Sweet Marie
Sybil Griffen
Thomas Edison
Tortoise Shell
Twist & Point
Van Buren
Van Houtii
Victor Lemoine
Victoria Gold Bells
Voncilla Barley
West Wall
William Jennings Bryan
Wooton Beauty
Yellow Croc
Yellow Foot
Yellow Joanna Coppinger
Yellow Mammey
Yellow Mrs. Iceton
Yellow Petra

Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

Very nice list,I see a few there that would look lovely in my yard.
Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

For those of you interested in palms, I have finished the first draft of the Palm & Cycad list for the Extravaganza. It is roughly 90% completed, as palms are still finding their way to the sidewalk. I included some of the name change notes as they would appear in the sale booklet. There are currently about 310 species divided among about 420 size groups.

Searle Brothers Nursery, Inc. &
The Rainforest Collection

13th Annual Fall Plant Extravaganza
Palm and Cycad List –
Draft 9-22-11

Genus Species Sizes
Acrocomia crispa #10
Actinokentia divaricata #3
Adonidia merrillii et al
Allagoptera arenaria #7
Allagoptera campestris #3
Allagoptera caudescens #10
Allagoptera leucocalyx #3
Archontophoenix purpurea #7
Areca camarinensis #25
Areca catechu #1, #3, #10
Areca latiloba = montana
Areca macrocalyx var. 'Marie' #2
Areca montana #10
Areca triandra #7
Areca vestiaria #3
Areca vestiaria var. Maroon Leaf #1 #3 #7
Arenga australasica #3
Arenga brevipes #20
Arenga caudata #3
Arenga engleri #7
Arenga hookeriana #7
Arenga microcarpa #3
Arenga obtusifolia #10
Arenga pinnata #7
Arenga tremula #3
Arenga undulatifolia #2 #25a #25b
Asterogyne martiana #1a #1b
Astrocaryum alatum #7
Attalea butyracea #15
Attalea funifera #2
Beccariophoenix alfredii #10
Beccariophoenix madagascariensis #1 #3 #15
Beccariophoenix sp. 'Coastal Form' #7
Bentinckia condapanna #1
Bentinckia nicobarica #10
Borassodendron machadonis #7
Brahea decumbens #3
Burretiokentia hapala #3 #7 #10 #20
Burretiokentia koghiensis #1
Burretiokentia vieillardii #3 #10
Butia capitata #3
Butia eriospatha #3
Butia purpurascens #7
Butia yatay #3
Calyptrocalyx albertisianus #1
Calyptrocalyx awa #3
Calyptrocalyx caudiculatus #1
Calyptrocalyx hollrungii #1
Calyptrocalyx leptostachys #1
Calyptrocalyx polyphyllus #2
Calyptrocalyx sp. ‘Boalak’ #1
Calyptrocalyx sp. ‘Sanumb’ #1
Calyptrogyne ghiesbreghtiana #1
Calyptrogyne sarapiquensis #10
Calyptronoma rivalis #7 #15
Carpentaria acuminata #3
Carpoxylon macrospermum #7
Caryota bacsonensis = maxima #10
Caryota cumingii #15
Caryota kiriwongensis #10
Caryota mitis #15
Caryota no #3 #15
Caryota obtusa #3 #15 #20
Caryota ochlandra #1
Caryota ophiopellis #3
Caryota rumphiana #10
Caryota urens #20
Caryota zebrina #3 #7
Ceratozamia latifolia #7
Chamaedorea adscendens #3
Chamaedorea arenbergiana #1 #7
Chamaedorea cataractarum #2
Chamaedorea costaricana #7
Chamaedorea deckeriana #7
Chamaedorea ernesti-augustii #3
Chamaedorea fragrans #3
Chamaedorea geonomiformis #1
Chamaedorea glaucifolia #2
Chamaedorea hooperiana #3
Chamaedorea klotzschiana #7
Chamaedorea metallica #3
Chamaedorea microspadix #3
Chamaedorea oblongata #3
Chamaedorea onemophila #1
Chamaedorea plumosa #3
Chamaedorea pochutlensis 4in
Chamaedorea radicalis #7
Chamaedorea seifrizii #3
Chamaedorea stolonifera #3
Chamaerops humilis var. argentea #3
Chamaerops humilis var. cerifera = humilis var. argentea
Chambeyronia macrocarpa #1 #3 #7 #25
Chambeyronia macrocarpa var. ‘Houailou’ #3
Chambeyronia macrocarpa var. hookeri #7
Clinostigma savoryanum #7
Coccothrinax argentea #3
Coccothrinax crinita #3 #7
Coccothrinax garciana #7
Coccothrinax sp. ‘Azul’ #7
Coccothrinax spissa #3
Coccothrinax trinitensis #7
Cocos nucifera var. ‘Malayan Green’ et al
Copernicia berteroana #7 #10
Copernicia glabrescens #3
Copernicia macroglossa #10
Copernicia prunifera #7
Copernicia rigida #7
Copernicia x burretiana #15
Copernicia x sueroana #7
Corypha umbraculifera #3
Corypha utan #3
Cryosophila warscewiczii #7 #10
Cycas sp. ‘Vietnam’ #3
Cyphophoenix elegans #1 #7
Cyphophoenix nucele #3
Cyphosperma balansae #1
Cyrtostachys elegans #3 #7
Cyrtostachys renda #3 #7 #10 #20
Deckenia nobilis #3
Dioon edule #3 #7
Drymophloeus beguinii = litigiosus
Drymophloeus litigiosus #7
Drymophloeus oninensis #1
Drymophloeus sp. 'Patipi' - 'Irian Jaya' #1
Dypsis albofarinosa #1 #7
Dypsis ambositrae #1
Dypsis arenarum #3 #25
Dypsis baronii #3
Dypsis basilonga #10
Dypsis boiviniana #2
Dypsis cabadae #10 #45
Dypsis canaliculata #1 #10
Dypsis carlsmithii #3 #7 #10
Dypsis commersoniana #3
Dypsis fasciculata #1
Dypsis heteromorpha #15
Dypsis hiarakae #3
Dypsis hovomantsina #7 #15
Dypsis lanceolata #7a #7b
Dypsis lantzeana #1
Dypsis lastelliana #1 #7
Dypsis linearis #3
Dypsis lutescens et al
Dypsis lutescens var. Dwarf #1
Dypsis madagascariensis #3
Dypsis mananjarensis #3a #3b
Dypsis nauseosa #7 #10
Dypsis onilahensis var. 'Weepy Form' #7
Dypsis ovobontsira #7a #7b
Dypsis paludosa #3
Dypsis pembana #7 #10 #25
Dypsis pinnatifrons #3
Dypsis prestoniana #3 #7a #7b
Dypsis procera #1
Dypsis pulchella #7
Dypsis rivularis #1 #7
Dypsis robusta #3
Dypsis saintelucei #3 #15
Dypsis sp. ‘Betafaka’ #3
Dypsis sp. ‘White Crownshaft’ = albofarinosa
Dypsis sp. '#1' #3
Dypsis sp. '#2' #1
Dypsis sp. 'Maroantsetra' #3
Euterpe longibracteata #3
Euterpe oleracea #1
Euterpe sp. 'Orange' #1
Gastrococos crispa = Acrocomia crispa
Gaussia princeps #1
Geonoma interrupta #1
Geonoma schottiana #3
Gronophyllum pinangoides = Hydriastele pinangoides
Gulubia hombronii = Hydriastele hombronii
Gulubia longispatha = Hydriastele longispatha
Heterospathe elata #7 #15
Heterospathe intermedia #3
Heterospathe minor #2
Howea belmoreana #3
Hydriastele beguinii #1
Hydriastele dransfieldii #1
Hydriastele flabellata #1
Hydriastele hombronii #7
Hydriastele kasesa #2 #7
Hydriastele longispatha #3 #10
Hydriastele pinangoides #1
Hyophorbe indica #10
Hyophorbe lagenicaulis et al
Hyophorbe lagenicaulis X verschaffeltii #3
Hyophorbe verschaffeltii et al
Itaya amicorum #7
Johannesteijsmannia altifrons #2 #5
Johannesteijsmannia lanceolata #1
Johannesteijsmannia magnifica #3
Johannesteijsmannia perakensis #3
Kentiopsis magnifica #1
Kentiopsis oliviformis #7 #10 FG
Kentiopsis piersoniorum #10
Kentiopsis pyriformis #7
Kerriodoxa elegans #3 #7 #10
Latania loddigesii #7
Latania lontaroides #10
Latania verschaffeltii #10
Lepidozamia peroffskyana #1
Licuala aurantiaca #2 #7
Licuala beccariana #7
Licuala cabalionii #3 #7
Licuala concinna #3
Licuala distans #1 #7
Licuala grandis #3 #7 #10
Licuala kunstleri #3
Licuala lauterbachii var. bouganvilliensis #3
Licuala longipes #10
Licuala merguensis #7
Licuala paludosa #10
Licuala parviflora #2
Licuala peekelii #7
Licuala peltata var. sumawongii #1 #3 #7 #10
Licuala ramsayi #3 #10
Licuala rumphii #7
Licuala sp. ‘New Guinea’ #7
Licuala sp. ‘Wilailak’ #10
Licuala sp. ‘Yal-Bral’ #7
Licuala spinosa #7
Livistona carinensis #3
Livistona chinensis #3
Livistona jenkinsiana #7
Livistona muelleri #3
Livistona rotundifolia #3
Livistona saribus #3
Lytocaryum hoehnei #7
Lytocaryum weddellianum #7
Marojejya darianii #3 #7
Metroxylon vitiense #2 #7
Neoveitchia storckii #1 #10
Normanbya normanbyi #3 #7
Oraniopsis appendiculata #7
Pelagodoxa henryana #3 #7 #10
Phoenix loureiroi var. loureiroi #3
Phoenix roebelenii et al
Phoenix rupicola #7
Pholidostachys pulchra #7
Pinanga adangensis #10
Pinanga caesia #1
Pinanga caesia var. ‘Red Form’ 4in
Pinanga coronata #3 #7 #10
Pinanga dicksonii #10
Pinanga fractiflexa #7
Pinanga philippinensis #2
Pinanga sp. ‘Thai Mottled’ #7
Pinanga speciosa #7
Polyandrococos caudescens = Allagoptera caudescens
Pritchardia hardyi #1
Pritchardia hillebrandii var. 'Blue Dwarf' #1
Pritchardia kaalae var. minima #7
Pritchardia martii #10
Pritchardia munroi #7
Pseudophoenix sargentii #7
Pseudophoenix vinifera #10
Ptychococcus paradoxus #1
Ptychosperma burretianum #3
Ptychosperma caryotoides #7 #15
Ptychosperma cuneatum #10
Ptychosperma lauterbachii #1 #10
Ptychosperma macarthurii #3
Ptychosperma propinquum #7
Ptychosperma salomonense #1 #7
Ptychosperma sanderanum #10
Ptychosperma schefferi #7
Ptychosperma sp. #3
Ptychosperma vestitum #7
Ptychosperma waitianum #10
Ravenea dransfieldii #1 #7
Ravenea glauca #3
Ravenea hildebrandtii #7
Ravenea julietiae #3
Ravenea krociana #15a
Ravenea krociana var. 'Wild Form' #15b
Ravenea lakatra #3
Ravenea louvelii #1 #3
Ravenea sambiranensis #7
Ravenea xerophylla #7
Reinhardtia elegans #7
Reinhardtia gracilis #1
Rhapis cochinchinensis #7
Rhapis excelsa #3
Rhapis excelsa cv. nana ‘Super Dwarf’ #1
Rhapis gracilis #1
Rhapis humilis X cochinchinensis 'Alicia' #1
Rhapis laosensis = cochinchinensis
Rhapis multifida #3 #7
Rhapis sp. 'Hybrid' #7
Rhapis subtilis #10
Roscheria melanochaetes #10
Roystonea borinquena #1
Sabal uresana #3
Salacca vermicularis #3
Salacca wallichiana #10
Salacca zalacca #3
Satakentia liukiuensis #10
Siphokentia beguinii = Hydriastele beguinii
Siphokentia dransfieldii = Hydriastele dransfieldii
Syagrus botryophora #3
Syagrus cardenasii #3
Syagrus cearensis #3
Syagrus cocoides #3
Syagrus coronata #3 #10
Syagrus kellyana #1
Syagrus macrocarpa #3
Syagrus vermicularis #2 #3
Tahina spectabilis #7 #10
Thrinax radiata #1
Veitchia arecina et al
Veitchia filifera #7
Veitchia metiti #1 #7a #7b
Veitchia sessifolia = filifera
Verschaffeltia splendida #1 #3 #7 #10
Wallichia caryotoides #1
Wallichia disticha #3 #10
Wodyetia bifurcata et al
Zamia inermis #3
Zamia muricata #7
Zamia paucijuga #1
Zamia paucijuga X variegata #1
Zamia variegata #1 #3

Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

Ryan - any chance of getting a couple of shots of the two areas in the shade house that are packed with crotons? :confused: Stage yourself up on the ladder for an overhead view - that would be sweeeet!!! :cool:
Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20


I usually do shots like that and I plan to take a few this coming week. I was also thinking of timing the photography with the big move, when the plants are placed in their sale location in the first shadehouse. I have to see how the weather is going to be during the beginning of the week. I also want to include a few preview photos of some of the more talked about cultivars.


Ryan - any chance of getting a couple of shots of the two areas in the shade house that are packed with crotons?... Stage yourself up on the ladder for an overhead view - that would be sweeeet!!!...
Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

In pots, good success. I don't think they appreciate all the limestone in my garden. :p Sandy, mucky or marl soils should be a different scenario. :)

I can't remember if Mike Harris had some of the species going at his garden. :confused:

Has anyone had success with Marojejya?
Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

I grew this palm twice in pots each for two years but both eventually passed on. There were no freezes in this time frame so cold temps did not play a role. The second time I sunk the pot under an oak where the more acidic soil could be found and still failed. They actually performed better in the cool winter temps which makes me think it may dislike our summers also. I just checked the Fairchild living collection list and this palm is not on the list. I'd say this palm is near the top of the difficult palms to grow in Florida list.
Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

I agree with Ray,I am sure someone here is growing this but it certainly is not me.I have tried and failed 3 times all in different locations and different water volumes.A very tough palm for Fla. ,I look at the beauties growing in Hawaii with envy.
Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

Ref: An Encyclopedia of Cultivated Palms by Rift and Craft
"..endemic to one small site on Madagascar, a swampy valley bottom in dense rain forest at 1300m feet elevation." "The cultural requirements are water and more water in an acid, fast-draining soil." "... reportedly immune to to temperatures at or below freezing once past the seedling stage. It also seems adaptable to sun from an early age."

Ref: Palms of Madagascar by Dransfield and Beentje
"..some juvenile plants are growing well in private collections in Queensland, Australia. Although it is so spectacular, Marojejya darianii is undoubtedly a difficult palm to grow for most of us."

Does not look like a palm suited for us unless you can give it very special conditions. If you like Licuala mapu and its very specialized growing environment, you'll love this one.

Dean - know of any growing well in the Islands?
Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

I hate to say it, but Marojejya darianii is a "piece of cake" to grow here. I am not sure about the warmer sea level success, but at 800 ft and up, it looks great. There are several trunking and flowering specimens around. I have had about a dozen at 2200 ft - half in pots and half in the ground. And I haven't lost one, despite no special care and even some downright neglect. And it is a fairly fast grower. Too bad it seems to dislike Florida, because it has to be in the top ten (maybe top 5) Malagasy palms. One of the secrets has to be the fast draining acid soil, of which I have plenty - even bordering on too acid. So my guess is either the soil, excessive warmth, or the double whammy or both, that is the problem in Florida. I do have to disagree with the sun tolerance at a young age. I have found they do not appreciate direct sun when young.
Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20


The biggest problem here is the soil. Even under oaks where the soil has the lowest PH, our soil may not be acidic enough. As you mentioned, soil issues combined with the excessive number of days above 90 is probably a death sentence. I lost both of my plants in summer so it's likely heat played a major role. The palm actually made it through our winters very well.
Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

- Crotons.... Tons of crotons. I took some photos yesterday of the Extravaganza preparation and of course made it to the croton staging area in the back. The plants are getting huge... It was overcast which made the light low to take photos but it wasn't raining at least.





Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

- A requested shot of the Monarch cultivar...


- A grouping of Mrs. Iceton...


- The Croton section in the first shadehouse is ready to receive plants. As of right now on Thursday, the section is getting filled with plants as I am posting.


Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

Very nice Monarch,I will have to try and get there early :)
Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

I used to run track in High School ,but that was 30 years ago :(

Well Mike, rest assure, this one and only plant I have to offer will most likely be snatched up in less than 30 seconds or so. That would be my guess...
Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

I used to run track in High School ,but that was 30 years ago :(

Mike –from my personal experience, my hope for you is that Rick Leitner is not honing in on that Monarch also. He is a very cordial person however, during the Friday morning “croton dash” you need to be aware of those flailing tree trunks that he calls his arms. I believe he was on the track team in High School as well – the Discus and Shot Putt events. :rolleyes: LOL :D

At least the Monarch, with those monster leaves, should not be difficult to spot amongst the masses of hundreds and hundreds of crotons. ;)
Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

Moose Knuckle
...At least the Monarch, with those monster leaves, should not be difficult to spot amongst the masses of hundreds and hundreds of crotons...

Can you spot the Monarch?

- The finished Croton section. The Monarch, along with 169 other cultivars, are in the photos. A small 'parking lot' for carts was added near the front by the sidewalk.




Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

I have an updated cultivar list as of yesterday, the Saturday a week before the sale. It includes the first list above plus some new ones that were recently pulled. The total is now at 170 and represents a 98% completed list of what will be out for sale. There is still a chance another croton could be added at the last minute, you never know what Jeff might do to surprise people.

Searle Brothers Nursery, Inc. &
The Rainforest Collection

The 13th Annual Fall Plant Extravaganza
October 7th, 8th, & 9th – 2011

Croton List - 98% Complete

Common Name
A. B. Cartledge
Angel Wing
Ann Rutherford
Baron Rothschild
Ben Alexander
Black Beauty
Bloched Charmer
C. I. Craigin
Captain Gilbert Cutler
Captain Kid
Caution Light
Charles Rutherford
Christian's Landscape
Colin Kelly
Compté de Castelaine
Compté de Germiny
Cover Girl
Craigii Supreme
Daisy Ortega
Davis #1
Davis #7
Della McGee
Dr. Alix
Dr. Frank Brown
Dr. Lin Yu Tang
Duke of Windsor
Duncan Macaw
Earl of Derby
Eleanor Roosevelt
Ethel Craig
Father's Day
Fred Sanders
Geisha Girl
General Lawrence
General MacArthur
General Marshall
General Paget
Glen Roof
Go Reds
Gold Dust
Harvest Moon
Her Highness
Hot & Steamy
Irene Kingsley
Jean Francis Fascell
Joanna Coppinger
Joe Friday
John Bender
John Soar
Judy's Beauty
Jungle Queen
King of Siam
Lady Claire
Little Chief
Lord Bellhaven
Louis Dupuy
Lt. Paget
Madame Butterfly
Madame Fernand Kohl
Martha Brooks
Maximum (Bender #2)
Miami Beauty
Mona Lisa
Mrs. Iceton
Mrs. Snyder Disraili
Norman Rockwell
Old Legend
One in the Head
Picasso's Paintbrush
Pink Eburneum
Pink Passion
Plaid Oak
Pop's Yard
Porter's Pink Veitchii
President Eisenhower
President Reagan
Pride of Naples
Pride of Winter Haven
Prince of Orange
Princess Eugenia
Red Excurrens
Red Quill
Rheedii #3
Robert Halgrim
Robert Lavalois
Royal Flush
Rudy Bachman
Sturrork's Pink Veitchii
Sweet Marie
Sybil Griffen
Thomas Edison
Tortoise Shell
Twist & Point
Van Buren
Van Houtii
Victor Lemoine
Victoria Gold Bells
Voncilla Barley
West Wall
White Ann Rutherford
William Craig
William Jennings Bryan
Wooton Beauty
Yellow Charmer
Yellow Croc
Yellow Foot
Yellow Joanna Coppinger
Yellow Mammey
Yellow Mrs. Iceton
Yellow Petra

Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

I will be there for sure,probably closer to 11am.I am sure there will be lots of stuff left as I need many things on your list.Is there any chance of the Monarch being there at 11am :)
Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

I was there at 8.01 and I had no chance of getting the Monarch.Picked up a few nice items.I will have to nurse my little Monarch along :)
Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

I must confess that I was the one who napped the Monarch! Going to put it in a showcase place for the next Crazy for Crotons party.:p
Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

The Croton hunters were circling the gate as a sprinkling began. Jeff drove up in the golf cart and opened the gate at 7:55 am rather than make us stand in the rain for another 5 minutes. As the hoard of Croton hunters briskly made their way to the croton section, the skies let loose at the half way point. We were all completely drenched in less than 15 seconds. None were detered or broke stride during the onslaught of heavy rain that lasted about 10 minutes. Ryan was only able to get one shot off with the camera before he had to protect it from the rain.

The Moose was focused on two not to be named cultivars. At 8:01 am, my first choice - gone. At 8:03 am, my second choice gone. My fogged over glasses were not helping any seeing the tags. Some collectors had team mates that already had 7 - 8 crotons in their cart. I went to back to my wish list and got some very nice crotons that were high on the wish list but not any of the top echelon ones. :(
Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

Searle Brothers Nursery, Inc. &
The Rainforest Collection

13th Annual Fall Plant Extravaganza
RAIN DATE: Oct. 14th, 15th & 16th - 2011

Ron's description above is very accurate, including the part mentioning me not able to take photos due to the rain. I got a good one of him to post at least. It was a rainy weekend by all accounts, even though Sunday was better than expected. Sunday saw less rain but it poured Sat. night and early Sun. morning flooding the sales area. There was even a report of fish swimming in the holding area. Due to all the rain and standing water there will be a rain date for the sale this coming weekend. All the croton goodness, times two. There will be restocking done on a few plant groups, which Jeff was doing when I had left the nursery not long ago. He was pulling more crotons. The other plant groups will be tweaked, including the palms.

If you need another plant you did not get last weekend or was not able to attend, come on out this coming weekend. If you have a question about plant availability you can post it here or message Jeff or myself.


The Croton hunters were circling the gate as a sprinkling began. Jeff drove up in the golf cart and opened the gate at 7:55 am rather than make us stand in the rain for another 5 minutes. As the hoard of Croton hunters briskly made their way to the croton section, the skies let loose at the half way point. We were all completely drenched in less than 15 seconds. None were detered or broke stride during the onslaught of heavy rain that lasted about 10 minutes. Ryan was only able to get one shot off with the camera before he had to protect it from the rain.

The Moose was focused on two not to be named cultivars. At 8:01 am, my first choice - gone. At 8:03 am, my second choice gone. My fogged over glasses were not helping any seeing the tags. Some collectors had team mates that already had 7 - 8 crotons in their cart. I went to back to my wish list and got some very nice crotons that were high on the wish list but not any of the top echelon ones. :(
Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

I spent yesterday and today going over the inventory that was still in the sales area. I found some extras that I will be able to put out and offer. The following are available;

Glen Roof
"Blotched" Charmer
Joe Friday
Red Quill
General Marshall
Madam Fernand Kohl
Pop's Yard
Sturrocks Pink Veitchii
Thomas Edison

I promise, the weather will be nice! Hope to see you there.
I saw one of my buddies leaving early on Friday morning with what looked like a clustering Ptychosperma sp. (NOT McCarthur), but more of a fishtail like tipped frond. I believe it was in a 7 gallon. Any clustering Pty. species left, other than McCarthur?
I saw one of my buddies leaving early on Friday morning with what looked like a clustering Ptychosperma sp. (NOT McCarthur), but more of a fishtail like tipped frond. I believe it was in a 7 gallon. Any clustering Pty. species left, other than McCarthur?


Yes, I saw a couple today. Their either P. cuneatum or P. lauterbachii. If you need to know more, let me know.
Re: 13th Annual Fall Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza! - October 7th, 8th, & 9th 20

I spent yesterday and today going over the inventory that was still in the sales area. I found some extras that I will be able to put out and offer. The following are available;

Glen Roof
"Blotched" Charmer
Joe Friday
Red Quill
General Marshall
Madam Fernand Kohl
Pop's Yard
Sturrocks Pink Veitchii
Thomas Edison

I promise, the weather will be nice! Hope to see you there.

I also found 2 Flamingo's w/ beautiful markings and 2 more Hot and Steamys.
I saw one of my buddies leaving early on Friday morning with what looked like a clustering Ptychosperma sp. (NOT McCarthur), but more of a fishtail like tipped frond. I believe it was in a 7 gallon. Any clustering Pty. species left, other than McCarthur?

Rick - Ptychosperma waitianum perhaps. I got mine from Jeff, flushes a reddish to salmon colored leaf when the spear opens up. :cool:

I'm curious if the hugh 20 ft. field grown Kentiopsis oliviformis sold? They were an incredible bargain. I remember at the South Florida Palm Society Sale at Fairchild 16+ years ago when there were but a few of this palm species available and was fought over by collectors who shelled out $35 to $40 for a one gallon plant gladly. :rolleyes:
I left there today at @ 12:30pm. More crotons were going out the door than palms. As a matter of fact, two out of three carts leaving had crotons on them. Jeff only had 4 Dreadlocks left - unless more are hidden in the back. There must have been 30 of them last Friday next to the shade house.

Beautiful weather at his place today. Met up with Bullwinkle and had a very enjoyable morning. :D