Potting Mix

Marie Nock

Well-Known Member
As I was repotting my newly acquired goodies from yesterday's tour, I noticed how different our potting mixers are. I had plants from six different individuals ( 4 from the auction and 2 from trades) and all the soils varied. Are you willing to share your soil mix formulas?

Ours is 1/3 Canadian peat, 1/3 perlite and 1/3 pine bark soil conditioner.
As I was repotting my newly acquired goodies from yesterday's tour, I noticed how different our potting mixers are. I had plants from six different individuals ( 4 from the auction and 2 from trades) and all the soils varied. Are you willing to share your soil mix formulas?

Ours is 1/3 Canadian peat, 1/3 perlite and 1/3 pine bark soil conditioner.

This could be Pandora's surprise; 1 30 lbs. bag commercial mix, 2 10 gals. Lambert Can. Sphagnum, 3 2 gals. Perlite, 4 2 gals. Vermiculite, I mix this in an empty Lambert bag and keep adding parts as needed until I run out of the Lambert Can. Sphagnum. One request please I lost the name tag on this little baby from the auction HELP.:eek::eek:


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2 parts pine fines to 1 part potting soil mix from Bushel Stop. No Perlite. Perlite is evil. It never disappears from the soil. Bushel Stop's potting mix is top soil, sand, and crushed pine.
I make different blends for specific types of plants, and have changed things up along the way. Lately for crotons I have been using the Vigro organic potting mix 1.5 cu ft bag mixed with the B.G.I. potting mix 1 cu ft bag. The B.G.I. stuff seems to be pretty heavy in the pine content, and is nice and light. I also always add silica sand, worm castings and mycorhizals to the blend. So far, so good. I used to purchase the Miracle-Gro mix, but I found it to be very inconsistent for some time and wasn't happy with the product anymore.
I mix my own. 1 part peat moss, 4 parts of composted mulch (I got a source, stuff is 3 years old and really broke down), 1 part perlite or screening sand, 1 part composted oak leaves.