Nice color


Esteemed Member
Almost all my crotons seem to be progressively intensifying their colors. I wanted to post a few now, because after this very cool week, I don't know what will happen to some. Here goes:

1)William Craig-Thanks Judy
2)Irene Kingsley- love the contrast of new and old foliage. Very striking.
3 and 4)General MacArthur-Thanks Mike Woolery
5 and 6)Raphael- so pretty right now with pinks intensifying


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Just a few more:

1)Gloriosa- Thanks, Ron
2)Rudy Bachman-Thanks, Marie
5)Plaid Oak-Thanks, Phil
6)Cutler's Gulfstream


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Looking great Anna but you have the wrong general :) That one is Marshall

Almost all my crotons seem to be progressively intensifying their colors. I wanted to post a few now, because after this very cool week, I don't know what will happen to some. Here goes:

1)William Craig-Thanks Judy
2)Irene Kingsley- love the contrast of new and old foliage. Very striking.
3 and 4)General MacArthur-Thanks Mike Woolery
5 and 6)Raphael- so pretty right now with pinks intensifying
Anna, your crotons look amazing! Great pics- I wish I could take photos with that kind of detail. Good thinking with taking these while the weather was still nice. Some of my stuff is starting to get a little beat up from the wind. Please keep up the good work.
Thank-you, Jerry, Mike, Tim and Jeff! They are coming along and I'm giving them a lot of TLC. It's 39 here right now, with a chilly week ahead. Don't know what will happen. I don't believe in covering things outside but I did bring the ones in pots in the garage. Hoping it doesn't get any colder than this this winter.

Mike, I do know it's a General Marshall. I had a momentary mental lapse when I was typing is all. Unfortunately, that happens more and more often nowadays:confused:. I have really enjoyed that little plant. It is one of my favorites-always so colorful. Thank-you.
Ana is a new disciple of the use of K-Mag to "winterize" her plants. My theory is that these mineral supplements also manifests the development of outstanding colors.

Just saying ... ;)
Thanks, Robertico. I'm not that much a fan of the dark leaves, but when the new foliage comes out, the contrast is remarkable.

Ron, I have been using K-mag. Don't know if that's making a difference, but after this winter I might decide whether it's worth the maybe factor. It certainly isn't hurting.
Ana - we have a retired surgeon here who is majorly into plants. He introduced me to the use of K-Mag. I'd like to get him to speak at a Tropical & Exotic Plant Society meeting. The way he explains its benefits, it just seems so logical.

Lets see what your perspective is say around mid March. :)
FYI - Hawaiian soils are notoriously deficient in K - but I never gave it a thought because I use a well rounded fertilizer. However, an experienced grower pointed out to me last year that my older leaves on my palms were exhibiting K deficiency. I just thought it was lack of water, or normal. So I started using K-Mag on these palms and after 6 months the difference is striking. No more yellow/orange on the oldest leaves.

I did some more reading, and there is some interesting material on K, and how trimming the older leaves just exacerbates the deficiency. And how once affected, the older leaves will never recover. You will just have to wait for them to be replaced with the newer ones which will stay green since the K is now available - so it takes a while to witness the results. The other interesting thing is that K has to be applied in the proper ratio with Mag. And that uptake is a function of having the proper pH.

So, in other words - I'm a K convert.