Lost colors in Crotons


Esteemed Member
I purchased a Dreadlocks Croton a few months ago at Lowes on the markdown rack. The plant was a 3gal size with only a few leaves for $1.50. The plant has pushed lots of new leaves and is now a full bushy plant again. This plant is planted inground and in 5 hrs direct sun. Problem is all leaves are green with a few yellow blotches on a few leaves. How long will it take for this plant to regain its colors?
I purchased a Dreadlocks Croton a few months ago at Lowes on the markdown rack. The plant was a 3gal size with only a few leaves for $1.50. The plant has pushed lots of new leaves and is now a full bushy plant again. This plant is planted inground and in 5 hrs direct sun. Problem is all leaves are green with a few yellow blotches on a few leaves. How long will it take for this plant to regain its colors?

Mine is doing the same thing. IMO the longer it takes to color up, the more vibrant the colors. If they colored up real quick, the color may have gotten bleached out. 5 hours of direct sun sounds sufficient to me. I think on another thread it was mentioned that this cultivar is moderate to slowish in growth. Perhaps patience is in order here Scott. ;)

Sorry about the picture aspects, very shadowy. You can see I am experiencing the same situation - if you click on the pictures and see the blown up view. ;)


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Ron, Here are pictures of my out of color Dreadlocks. It looks like the dreadlocks are gone also.


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Oh my! Might be the reason it was on the markdown rack. Give it time. By next June is should look like dreadlocks again or it may remain morphed into what you got now? :confused:
Here is a update on my Dreadlocks with the lost colors.


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