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- 10/09/09
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Anyone Interested?
Date Suggestions?
Date Suggestions?
in the Tampa Bay area, the USF sale is the 13th & 14th; Green Thumb Festival is the 27th & 28th, so how about 4/6 or 4/20? Either Coast...
20-April is nfg here since I have concer tickets (unless get-together is on west coast). Early May would be better since more air layers would be ready be then.
Oh Phil, are you suggesting a west coast croton tour at Toby's or Scott's gardens? I would definitely love that. Maybe we would meet Anna from Sarasota too ?
I have had a preliminary talk with Stan Wood from Everglades Botanical and he will be available to give a tour of the Flamingo Gardens in Davie any Sunday in April.I agree with Phil that later in the month will be better.For those who do not know, Stan is a longtime croton collector (at least 40 years) and has much insights into Flamingo Gardens and all the different crotons there.I have also spoken with the group director at Flamingo and they will give us a discounted rate of between $10-12 depending on how many people show.Link for Flamingo gardens.
We like the idea of Flamingo Gardens and of April 28. They have reciprocity for Fairchild members - perhaps for members of other botanical gardens as well.
Mike -
Where at Flamingo Gardens would we hold our sale/auction? I forget the details from years ago when the Croton Society held a sale in conjucntion with some other event there (plant sale) but wherever the auction is, it should be close to where one can unload a car or truck. Don't want to be schlepping lotsa plants through the main entrance...
More feedback needed on the proposed site and date.Anyone else has interest with Flamingo Gardens on April 28??I will need to meet with them soon to firm up plans.We need more input so I can get a general feel for number of attendees.
Mike -
Where at Flamingo Gardens would we hold our sale/auction? I forget the details from years ago when the Croton Society held a sale in conjucntion with some other event there (plant sale) but wherever the auction is, it should be close to where one can unload a car or truck. Don't want to be schlepping lotsa plants through the main entrance...
Mike - thanks so much for organizing this croton get together at Flamingo Gardens. I've never been there, and hope to attend!
Mike - will Stan Wood have plants entered into the auction. Its my understanding he has a few hard to find & unique cultivars. Especially alot of "Ralph Davis" created plants.
I'm starting to get scared how much this auction may bruise my wallet ...
It would be nice if the location of Flamingo Gardens was posted. It cannot be assumed that everyone knows where its at. Lurkers - you are welcome to attend unless your initials are DB LOL
This garden tour coordinated by Mike (Bullwinkle) and led by Stan is going to be fun happening. At the Spring Sale at Fairchild Tropical Gardens, this tour was a much discussed topic. Alot of newbies may be showing up. We got on the horn and it looks like the Glocks are coming and possibly the Shillings. Jeff Searle even convinced Mrs. Moose to go to Church Sat. evening and join the fun Sunday.
Mike - is there a contact phone number for further details of for those who get lost? Is Mrs. Bullwinkle coming? A feel a Moose herd forming - LOL
Has anyone contacted Cookie or Johnny Shelton to let them know?
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