I wish.....I wish.....


Esteemed Member
I could get help when confirmation of id is needed in order to put a photo in the wiki. Even if you don't consider yourself an 'expert', a consensus of opinions would be enough to get the confidence to put something in. It is disconcerting when members take the time to photograph and post beautiful photos of crotons and there are no comments even after I plead for opinions of id's. As you know, I still am frequently wrong with identifications so I look for help from others who have been at this longer.

In 'wiki photos' there are beautiful photos posted by KingDavid and Scott McIntosh at the end of page 5 and on page 6 that need opinions. Please help.:)
Ana - Phil has been doing the croton thing for a long time. Having hosted several tours with many a croton eye seeing his splendid garden, some of his plants may remain unknowns.