Do You Want an Exotica?

Marie Nock

Well-Known Member
Mark you calendar for the fabulous TFEPS Rare Plant Auction to be held October 28 at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in the Corbin Bldg. at 7:30 pm - come earlier for preview. I know for sure that an Exotica will be awarded to the highest bidder. Many other crotons, ferns, flowering trees, palms, aroids, orchids and vines will be available as well as great refreshments. You do not have to be a member to attend and there is no charge to enter. Cash and checks only.


The plant up for auction is smaller than the one in the picture but is the same clone.
Nice Marie. "Cash and checks only". About how much cash are you talking about.:rolleyes:

Ha Randy,

Now that just depends who shows up............from the crotonheads circle. I don't really think a non croton person will bid much( even though this is very rare ) but anyone that knows their crotons could run up the bidding to who knows where. Like any rare plant, be prepared to shell out some beans. I'm lucky to own one small plant, thanks to Marie and Steve, but still might be interested in another. Just depends.....

And a BIG thanks to Marie and Steve for sharing this plant. I was there last year and had a great time.
Hello, I think we will be back in town that weekend. Randy break out the 401K I hope to start the bidding.This is with out a doubt the nicest group of people I have ever been loosely associated with. They will spend the money wisely.


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Nice looking Exotica Marie! What type of sun conditions work best for Exotica? My Exotica gets full sun from around 1pm on and it looks ok but nowhere close to the one in your photo.
Nice looking Exotica Marie! What type of sun conditions work best for Exotica? My Exotica gets full sun from around 1pm on and it looks ok but nowhere close to the one in your photo.

Thanks Scott. The pictures were taken during the summer and now the flush has colored up. It's grown under shade cloth which gives it about a 50% filter. I would think that full afternoon sun would be a bit much.
Thanks Scott. The pictures were taken during the summer and now the flush has colored up. It's grown under shade cloth which gives it about a 50% filter. I would think that full afternoon sun would be a bit much.

Thanks Marie, I will relocate my plant come spring.
Ha Randy,

Now that just depends who shows up............from the crotonheads circle. I don't really think a non croton person will bid much( even though this is very rare ) but anyone that knows their crotons could run up the bidding to who knows where. Like any rare plant, be prepared to shell out some beans. I'm lucky to own one small plant, thanks to Marie and Steve, but still might be interested in another. Just depends.....

And a BIG thanks to Marie and Steve for sharing this plant. I was there last year and had a great time.

Some crotonheads are there, many just plain plant enthusiasts. Remember its all in the eye of the beholder. A Miami Beauty went for $25.00 last year while some rarer slowerer growing cultivars for less. The popularity of crotons continues to grow with this group. Yes, many may not appreciate the Exotica, not understanding how collectors have been searching for this cultivar for years.

Hope some of you can make it. This Society is the friendliest one I have ever been around. The put out a very nice spread of of food to boot! :cool:
I started 11 airlayers 3 weeks ago let me know there free

Are you offering the Geisha Girl air layers for the auction? If you think they're ready, we'd love to have them. Thanks. Let me know how to pick them up or are you coming to the auction?
That is a beautiful Geisha Girl. Potted up air layers of your plant would definitely draw attention at the auction. This is the Society's only fund raising event - that would be a generous and well recieved donation!
Yes, yes I want that Exotica!!!

Got a decent amount of cash coming to the auction. Hmmmm, is it enough to compete with Lamar, Tim and some other very interested lurkers - tonight will tell.

This is a slooooow cultivar. At least that is what Judy Glock relayed to me. If its slow for Judy at their southern croton garden, us "northerners" should expect at least the same.
If this auction is any indication - the appreciation for crotons is skyrocketing. The bidding was fierce and continued throughout the night. The room was packed - the Society had a very successful event! :cool:
If this auction is any indication - the appreciation for crotons is skyrocketing. The bidding was fierce and continued throughout the night. The room was packed - the Society had a very successful event! :cool:

I completely agree!!! The crotons were a huge success! And can you believe the Milky Way went for $250?? Good lord......