Davis plant?


Esteemed Member
One of the few I never tagged. No recollection of where I got it. Scale magnet finally showing promise after a couple years of struggle.


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huh, imagine that. I did think it was sporting because it appeared different to me in the last month. I do not recall having any other Tiffany than a small potted plant that was in need of some TLC and gifted to me several months back. This particular plant has been a bugger literally. Scale galore so I've been treating it the last few months with Jose's method of soap and peroxide. This sits next to a pickering mango so I don't want to use any chemicals on it.
Lt.Padget usually has longer stems with some color----Tiff has more color and closer short stems.
i am the last person to lead the chorus on plant I d I just have pretty good examples of these two.
I had the best kind of schooling today. Thanks to Phil for showing me both plants in person. Seeing them and feeling the leaves (pagent thicker), I was able to understand the distinct differences.