Croton Tour April??


Esteemed Member
Does anyone have any ideas.I was thinking April because Jeff's sale is in March and we will need some time to recover :)
East Coast or West??The last one was West so maybe East this time??Have we done a Miami tour in the past few years??What is Pinecrest Gardens like??Is it good for a tour??The one at Flamingo Gardens was great!!
The Mooseland gets my vote! He has tons of plants, some really good collectables, good size and full of color. And not to mention a few good palms to look at. Meatfest? Lol!
Anyone know about Pinecrest gardens??Is Fairchild an option??It was nice having a tour and a visit to a botanical garden combined.
Pinecrest is a nice garden with some very old, large plants. Nothing's labeled though. IMO, not really a huge amount of plants to look at, but it is a nice garden to stroll through to enjoy a vast collection of tropical plants and palms.
Sounds great! Maybe the Nocks afterwards?

Sorry. Having a tour here in April isn't going to work for us.

In planning the tour, remember that the Spring Sale at Fairchild will be held April 12 - 13. There are usually 6 - 7 vendors with crotons (many are forum members).
Ok,maybe Moose possibly followed by Pinecrest??Any other ideas??We have lots of time to plan so let us see what develops.Still hoping to have a tour up our way later this year.Lamar is ready now and hopefully my plants will be looking good by October.Most were around 12-18 ins last year,they are now up to about 3 feet and should be much nicer after a good growing season.

Pinecrest is a nice garden with some very old, large plants. Nothing's labeled though. IMO, not really a huge amount of plants to look at, but it is a nice garden to stroll through to enjoy a vast collection of tropical plants and palms.
Mike, I like very much the idea of going to Pinecrest Gardens. It is a very nice place. The crotons that I have seen there are very old and stand over 10 ft. Tall and look fantastic. I also suggest that the tour be done at the end of April.
Yes for the Mooseland! I've never been to Pinecrest, but I had never been to Flamingo Gardens before last years tour and auction either, and it was a great experience.
Time to bump this,does anyone have any suggestions??Is a Miami tour amenable to everyone??We were thinking about late April or May.It would be nice to have a couple of gardens plus maybe Pinecrest.

Yes for the Mooseland! I've never been to Pinecrest, but I had never been to Flamingo Gardens before last years tour and auction either, and it was a great experience.
Time for a road trip! Almost any weekend is good except 26-April (GreenThumb Festival over here in St. Pete) and 17-May. I'll be in Halifax, NS on 31-May.

I'd vote for a stop at Mooseland.
How about it Ron? Your garden is certainly ready for the masses. A mosh pit delight! Check the calendar and see if there's a Saturday that will work for you. Give me some notice4, I'd be willing to come down ahead of time and help with the mulching if need be. beverages.....great company, let's get it going.
Does May 3rd or 4th work for most people??.It gives us South Florida buyers a little breather from the Fairchild Ramble in mid April? And it also It gives my airlayers sometime to get rooted before meeting.I put on 4 more today.

How about it Ron? Your garden is certainly ready for the masses. A mosh pit delight! Check the calendar and see if there's a Saturday that will work for you. Give me some notice4, I'd be willing to come down ahead of time and help with the mulching if need be. beverages.....great company, let's get it going.
I did a little more work on this today.Carol Graff is willing to include her garden on the tour and I called Pinecrest Gardens today and they will rent us a picnic area for $200 this will aslo include the entrance fee for up to 60 people so that is quite reasonable.They have the afternoon open on the 10th and they have both the morning and afternoon open on the 11th. Morning is 10am to 1pm and afternoon is 1.30pm to 4.30pm.They can book this out at any time so we will need to decide quickly if we are to do this.

A rough schedule would be

Mooseland first around 11am
Carol next around 12.30pm
Pinecrest around 1.30 (lunch and auction)

For those that have time/church conflicts you can head right to Pinecrest if this works out better for you.We need to hear from anyone who might be coming asap or we might lose the time slot at Pinecrest!!
The 10th or 11th is good for me.

Sounds like Mike is doing the ground work for us. Time to step up and let the good times roll in MIAMI.

See anything you might want from this group?


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Where's Ron??? Ron's garden is mentioned as the premier garden for visiting that day, yet he has not come forward to share information regarding his house included, or is he not interested.

RON......I think you might want to chime in soon with your thoughts.
Is that a Buttercup hiding in there??We are looking good for that weekend,We just need a confirmation from Ron plus mothers day is May 11 so I think that Saturday the 10th might be better?? but it really does not matter to me as I will see my
mom either way.Hopefully we can confirm this by this weekend.


Sounds like Mike is doing the ground work for us. Time to step up and let the good times roll in MIAMI.

See anything you might want from this group?

I think the date is good, but I'm not interested in paying for a rented pavilion. The auction and food can be done easily at someone's house. It would be impossible to devide the cost up from those that attend. And for that matter, there's no idea on exactly who will show up.

And where's Ron? :cool:
If we go to Pinecrest the cost to enter is $3 person.Once we get 40 people that will be 5 bucks each including the pavillion??If we only get 20 people that will be $10 each.I think we should get at least 20 people so I would think that the pavilion probably makes sense once we hit a reasonable number of people,the pavilion cost is $200 but it does include entrance for up to 60 people. It certainly does depend on how many people show up.??My wife and my son will probably come with me so for me that makes 3.I think once we get to 30 people the pavilion definitely make sense as that will only be 6.00 bucks each.I have no problem putting out the $200 if I do not get all the money back that is fine.I also have no problem not getting the pavilion if everyone thinks it is not necessary.We will let everyone decide.

I think the date is good, but I'm not interested in paying for a rented pavilion. The auction and food can be done easily at someone's house. It would be impossible to devide the cost up from those that attend. And for that matter, there's no idea on exactly who will show up.

And where's Ron? :cool:[/QUOTE]
Any location works for me, but I vote for May instead of April


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oops, forgot to add the question; does the photo in my previous post look like a white gloriosa
We have tried our best but we cannot get much traction for May 10th tour.We had three garden confirmations then cancellations.Right now we are left with Pinecrest Gardens only.I guess we will all have to decide if this is enough for a tour.If not maybe we can change the venue.How about West Coast,Tampa, etc???Any suggestions are welcome.
If only my plants had a couple more years on them and there were more of them, I'd love to have you guys come to my place. Someday. I'm working on it.

Anyway, excuse my ignorance, and I hope I don't put anyone on the spot or step on anyone's toes, but speaking of the west coast, I know there was a tour at Phil's a couple of years ago and a recent tour at the Glock's, so what about Ray's? What about Bob Alonzo in Naples or Mark that comes with him? They must all have great croton collections. How about Harold Lee? Is he in Tampa? Do you think any of those guys would be game?:confused: I think some of you know them.