Croton Society Newsletters

Perry Edge

Well-Known Member
Is there any interest in seeing the digitalized versons of the Croton Society newsletters? If so, is there any spot on the website to accomodate them? If more info is needed re: size of the files, I can research that, but first I need to know what you think about the idea.
Yes great if you can post them all. I saved most but not some of the early ones.
We can easily post PDFs on the wiki in a very organized and professional manner. Our server can more than accommodate larger high quality versions if they can be made available.

Feel free to contact me regarding methods to assure the best quality if someone wishes to pursue this great idea. Sometimes it can be difficult to keep the photos nice while compressing the text, but I have some tips and tricks for doing so.

If at all possible, if the original digital file is available, we could post some very high quality issues - and the process would be super easy. Scanning presents more of a challenge both time-wise and quality-wise.

And another consideration is - would anyone object due to any type of copyright issues? Asking the original Croton Society for permission and the files (probably already in PDF form) might be the best way to proceed.
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We can easily post PDFs on the wiki in a very organized and professional manner. Our server can more than accommodate larger high quality versions if they can be made available.

Feel free to contact me regarding methods to assure the best quality if someone wishes to pursue this great idea. Sometimes it can be difficult to keep the photos nice while compressing the text, but I have some tips and tricks for doing so.

If at all possible, if the original digital file is available, we could post some very high quality issues - and the process would be super easy. Scanning presents more of a challenge both time-wise and quality-wise.

And another consideration is - would anyone object due to any type of copyright issues? Asking the original Croton Society for permission and the files (probably already in PDF form) might be the best way to proceed.

Harold Lee, the co-founder of the Society (and the last President at the time the Society dissolved) had previously given me permission to post an article from a newsletter (I ended up posting the entire newsletter, because I couldn't separate the article from the PDF file). Lee's feeling was that the articles don't do any good if nobody can see them. I have, however, asked him (as well as Ray & Connie, the other officers) for permission to go forward with the project ...just waiting for their feedback.
Sounds good Perry. I know a few of you, MooseMan particularly, still hold out hope of resurrecting the Croton Society. This could be a good time to release the Newsletters with some appeal or request for ideas about doing so. As I have always offered. Tropiscape will offer free managed web space, like we are doing now with the Forum and the Wiki to help promote a new Society. Or just to give adequate credit to the Croton Society to keep the name "alive."
Sounds good Perry. I know a few of you, MooseMan particularly, still hold out hope of resurrecting the Croton Society. This could be a good time to release the Newsletters with some appeal or request for ideas about doing so. As I have always offered. Tropiscape will offer free managed web space, like we are doing now with the Forum and the Wiki to help promote a new Society. Or just to give adequate credit to the Croton Society to keep the name "alive."

I have received the green light from Lee & Connie, and I'm confident that Ray would have no objections as well. For those of you who have saved old editions of the newsletter, it would be very helpful to know what issues you have on hand, by year and volume number. That will help me identify which ones are missing from my collection, and I can then call upon Connie to check her archive for those issues. Thanks so much for your help!
Someone must still have the PDFs (or Word Doc, or however they were created). If you could get their hands on them, they could be uploaded to the wiki with very little effort (just one drag and drop) - where I would be willing to organize them within a nice presentation. The quality of these originals would be far superior to any scans.

If scans are the only way to go - I would recommend doing a trial first so you can see the quality once scanned, uploaded, and posted.
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Randy well done I have that one and several others they are really great fun and full of good info.
Someone must still have the PDFs (or Word Doc, or however they were created). If you could get their hands on them, they could be uploaded to the wiki with very little effort (just one drag and drop) - where I would be willing to organize them within a nice presentation. The quality of these originals would be far superior to any scans.

If scans are the only way to go - I would recommend doing a trial first so you can see the quality once scanned, uploaded, and posted.

The newsletters came in several different types of formats, including PDF (later editions) as well as Microsoft Publisher files, (from when the newsletters were printed & mailed out to members) and the very earliest ones (If they can be found) were only scanned copies, and the quality is so-so, but I think they are readible and possibly can be converted to PDF. I have Publisher on my computer and it allows conversion to PDF as a "save as" option. So we'll go for PDF in all versions, if possible.
PompusThis is a pic. Of the earliest one I have. 4 in 02, 4 in 03, 2 in 04, 3 in 05, 2 in 06, 1 in 07, 4 in 08, 3 in 09, 3 in 2010. I found volume 12 issue 1 July 2011 as I was putting the others away.


  • image.jpg
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Well - I would say that Oct edition is good enough quality as is. If an even higher quality file is available, there are methods for preserving the photo quality of the photos while still compressing the rest. But we could discuss that later, and easily upgrade later if desired.

If you guys want, I can create a section in the wiki where you could upload those files. You would have to register for an account in the wiki (which is easy), and after that I could easily tell you how to upload them. Then I would be willing to take it from there and organize everything into a Codieaum Connection Index that could be easily referenced and would be a great resource IMO. Once set up, if someone else, like Ana, wanted to - they could easily administer to that section if other isuues/files were found.

Let me know. If we had the higher quality files, there is even this new page turning virtual magazine software that makes a really nice display if we really wanted to get fancy. I would be willing to help with that as well if we had enough issues to make it worthwhile.
Well - I would say that Oct edition is good enough quality as is. If an even higher quality file is available, there are methods for preserving the photo quality of the photos while still compressing the rest. But we could discuss that later, and easily upgrade later if desired.

If you guys want, I can create a section in the wiki where you could upload those files. You would have to register for an account in the wiki (which is easy), and after that I could easily tell you how to upload them. Then I would be willing to take it from there and organize everything into a Codieaum Connection Index that could be easily referenced and would be a great resource IMO. Once set up, if someone else, like Ana, wanted to - they could easily administer to that section if other isuues/files were found.

Let me know. If we had the higher quality files, there is even this new page turning virtual magazine software that makes a really nice display if we really wanted to get fancy. I would be willing to help with that as well if we had enough issues to make it worthwhile.

Thanks for the feedback from you & Lamar & Randy. Lamar has a good collection, in hard copy only, but one way or the other we can get them scanned as a PDF, if necessary. But they were done in Publisher, and some of the ones he has I also have and those I can convert to PDF. After I finish looking for more old issues in my piles of accumulated stuff, I can get a better idea of what is missing. I have found some in a .MAX format for a program that no longer exists and my internet security doesn't want me to download any of the converters which are available on the web. I did find two old hard copies, one from 2000 and another from 2001. Dean, I will scan a page as a PDF and send it to you as a test and you can see if the quality is suitable. I have a scanner which can scan at 4800 X 4800 dpi resolution. Before I put Lamar to work scanning any issues I will check with Connie to see if she already has them in the Publisher format. If so, she can email them to me, or I can pick them up. I also hope she has a lot more of the earlier issues, but she's had computer crashes and replacement computers, etc. so we will have to wait & see. Perhaps she or Lee saved some hard copies as well. I will contact her as soon as I complete my inventory.
Sounds Good - but keep in mind it would be easy for me to create a space on the wiki where any and all of this stuff could be uploaded by anyone - and then saved there to be made available later for direct viewing, or to anyone wanting to download and work on converting them if necessary. It might be easier than emailing stuff all over the place.
Sounds Good - but keep in mind it would be easy for me to create a space on the wiki where any and all of this stuff could be uploaded by anyone - and then saved there to be made available later for direct viewing, or to anyone wanting to download and work on converting them if necessary. It might be easier than emailing stuff all over the place.

Take a look at this page. Unfortunately, it is a scan of a copy, not the original, but I think this may represent the worst-case scenario. At least it is readible. I have no problem with others inserting whatever copies they may have on a space you create, as long as there's no duplicates, and if they can be in PDF format. I think organizing them in chronological order, by date, volume & issue # is the best way to present them. If they are dropped in randomly, from time-to-time, is there a way to then move the issues around to put them in proper order?


  • 8-2000 newsletter P2.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 146
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Take a look at this page. Unfortunately, it is a scan of a copy, not the original, but I think this may represent the worst-case scenario. At least it is readible. I have no problem with others inserting whatever copies they may have on a space you create, as long as there's no duplicates, and if they can be in PDF format. I think organizing them in chronological order, by date, volume & issue # is the best way to present them. If they are dropped in randomly, from time-to-time, is there a way to then move the issues around to put them in proper order?
The wiki offers very flexible and easily edited options of all kinds. That is what a wiki is for. Once they are uploaded, there are unlimited ways to display, improve, insert, replace, etc. No problem there at all.

Again I would suggest registering with the wiki (requires special authorization after doing so), then uploading what you have. I will then work out some type of format that will display and organize them.

Then once a framework is established, we can always easily fine-tune and improve what we have. In fact, once a framework is in place, it will be easy for any of you to edit, improve, and rearrange to your heart's content.
Thanks for the information. I will register for the Wiki, and greatly appreciate your assistance. In case I run into a problem, can I contact you by phone? My email address is, if case you don't want to disclose your phone # to the whole world you can send it to me.

Yes, I have two hard copy editions which include the other pages of what I posted, plus one other edition. Will scan them as soon as I can. I hope that Lee, Connie & others may have more of the oldest editions. While they may lack color and layout design, they are packed with good information.
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Yep- but check for my PM nonetheless. I think we can work it.
I registered for the Wiki on the Palmpedia site, I think, ...looking for a confirmation. When you create the newsletter niche, let me know. Are the tutorials helpful, I'm not sure how to proceed. Perhaps Anna could provide some assistance? We're well within phone chatting distance (St. Petersburg-Sarasota). Anna, please email me if you don't mind assisting.
Perry - it looks like you registered correctly. I forgot, for now no confirmation is necessary as I try out the "quiz" you had to take. Looks like you passed. :)

Just go log in to the wiki and in the Search Box (top right) enter "The Codiaeum Connection" and go to that page. I have left some instructions there for you. You may need more, and if so I will give them to you. But see how far you can get with what you find there.

And be assured, you can not "break" or mess anything up - so just go for it and try anything. If necessary, I'm sure Ana will be willing to lend a hand. But I think we can get somewhere first - let's try.
Perry - it looks like you registered correctly. I forgot, for now no confirmation is necessary as I try out the "quiz" you had to take. Looks like you passed. :)

Just go log in to the wiki and in the Search Box (top right) enter "The Codiaeum Connection" and go to that page. I have left some instructions there for you. You may need more, and if so I will give them to you. But see how far you can get with what you find there.

And be assured, you can not "break" or mess anything up - so just go for it and try anything. If necessary, I'm sure Ana will be willing to lend a hand. But I think we can get somewhere first - let's try.
Hi Dean, the drop bar will only accept image files, PDF and the like must be copied and pasted into the edit box, for right now, here's the one that was posted, I've inserted on that page, Ed
Thanks guys. I appreciate your help. Will give it a go as soon as I can steal some time to work on the project.
Perry, don't know if I know any better than you, but I could try if you needed. Looks like Edric's instructions are pretty good. PM me if you get stuck, but be forewarned that I'm pretty bad at this myself! Sorry for my lateness to respond. I was at my daughter's graduation weekend.
Thanks for the info Ed - I may be able to make it accept PDFs, and display them conveniently with an add-on I'm checking out. I'll have to work on that a little more.

I have some ideas to make this nice and presentable, and easily maintained - but it's going to take a little work. In the meantime, any files you can upload will be used as soon as I get a framework in place.

Ana - congratulations on your daughter's graduation - and to her too. Woot
Perry, don't know if I know any better than you, but I could try if you needed. Looks like Edric's instructions are pretty good. PM me if you get stuck, but be forewarned that I'm pretty bad at this myself! Sorry for my lateness to respond. I was at my daughter's graduation weekend.

Thanks, Anna, and congratulations as well. Are you an "empty nest" mom now? I'll use Edric's instructions and see how it goes. It will be a slow process but it will be nice if we can reconstruct the Society's history through it's newsletters. The October 2002 issue that Lamar posted was my first attempt to revise the newsletter and make it more colorful. It went to a commercial printer, who unfortunately didn't do a good job with the color rendition.... the colors were very flat. We eventually went to another printer, and the newsletter improved to show the full glory of croton colors.

Perry, don't know if I know any better than you, but I could try if you needed. Looks like Edric's instructions are pretty good. PM me if you get stuck, but be forewarned that I'm pretty bad at this myself! Sorry for my lateness to respond. I was at my daughter's graduation weekend.
I've been working on a system to display these - and it is not as neat and tidy as I would like. But to make a long story short, you can check out the general idea below. I have arranged it so PDFs can now be dragged and dropped to upload. However, it is somewhat complicated to arrange them, so I will have to do that for now - but I have no problem with doing that.

There is another method that is very nice, but it would require a lot of work and some software to buy. If we get enough files uploaded and we are committed to making a nice reference to save all these, I don't mind giving that a try as well.

But for now - how do you like something like this? We can place three across and group them by year.
I've been working on a system to display these - and it is not as neat and tidy as I would like. But to make a long story short, you can check out the general idea below. I have arranged it so PDFs can now be dragged and dropped to upload. However, it is somewhat complicated to arrange them, so I will have to do that for now - but I have no problem with doing that.

There is another method that is very nice, but it would require a lot of work and some software to buy. If we get enough files uploaded and we are committed to making a nice reference to save all these, I don't mind giving that a try as well.

But for now - how do you like something like this? We can place three across and group them by year.
Looks good, Dean. And I can do a "save as" in Publisher to convert a PDF newsletter into a JPEG, if necessary and if it would make things any easier. I think keeping the process simple as is with your arranging posts by date order is fine. No need to all the extra work and the $$ for the "very nice" procedure unless it is absolutely essential.
Perry - preserving the files as PDFs is preferable as it will retain the best quality, and present the best viewing (pages, zoom, etc.)

The main thing is getting the best files available uploaded. Then we can always easily do what we want with them, even if a better option pops up via an upgrade in the future.
To me this is the most important thread on the forum. There are tidbits of information in every article of these news letters, added together is huge. Great documentation of some cultivar histories and some old hybridizers / collectors. Cudos to Perry, Connie and Lee - hopefully some other news letters will be located and posted for posterity. Joyful
To me this is the most important thread on the forum. There are tidbits of information in every article of these news letters, added together is huge. Great documentation of some cultivar histories and some old hybridizers / collectors. Cudos to Perry, Connie and Lee - hopefully some other news letters will be located and posted for posterity. Joyful
Lee is going to send me his complete collection of newsletters on a DVD, minus the ones I already posted. We are also in the beginning stages of posting all of the Society calendars, which have gorgeous photos of individual plants, as well as croton garden landscapes.