Croton Party - Saturday, August 25th

Jim - Directions are at your in-box. Great to see you guys. Wait until you see Judy's Beauty! And good to come hungry. I'll have 10 pounds of pork and a pan of Boca Boys Baked Beans.

For everyone else - please email me at so that I can send you directions which will get you through Checkpoint Charlie and into the Inner Sanctum.
Ho hum, time to get this thread fired up! How about a very uncommon Nellie Halgrim that the Moose is bringing to the auction. This air layered plant was potted up three weeks ago and has not skipped a beat. Starting to flush new leaves. She is happy and is looking forward to her new home. An unusual very yellow & green croton requiring quite a bit of shade to look its best. Definitely not a fast croton. A must have for the discerning collector. :cool:


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How about a Heaven ? If you like orange in a croton, this is your cultivar. Through serrendipity, I found that this croton can take alot more sun than previously thought. Can take half a day sun (better morning) and keep brilliant orange colors. Brought one to the last auction but TikiRick would not be denied and outbid everyone. Here is your opportunity to get a Heaven now that Rick won't be bidding on this one.

Potted up three weeks ago. Fertilized and treated for croton scale through the winter for Spring planting. All it needs is to be watered. ;)


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A nice robust WTF in three gallon container. Potted up air layer over three weeks ago. Outstanding pinks on this cultivar. Prefers to be shaded from the afternoon sun to maintain large colorful leaves. Treated with Merit and time release fertilizer. Only needs water once a week now! This has become one of my favorites. Bullwinkle found this cultivar. After two years, we have yet to find someone who can identify it. :p


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Some lucky Croton Garden Tour attendee will be bringing this sweet baby home with them. Royal Flush ;)


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A nice robust WTF in three gallon container. Potted up air layer over three weeks ago. Outstanding pinks on this cultivar. Prefers to be shaded from the afternoon sun to maintain large colorful leaves. Treated with Merit and time release fertilizer. Only needs water once a week now! This has become one of my favorites. Bullwinkle found this cultivar. After two years, we have yet to find someone who can identify it. :p

Here are some shots of the donor (Mommy) plant of the air layered WTF. :)


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The Moth with many new leaves flushing. Should be coloring up nicely very soon. This was reportedly a sport from Madam Butterfly.


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Another 80 bags of mulch on the ground today in preparation of the party. Hell, it's like putting down new carpet.

If you haven't already done so, please email me for a gate pass and directions: rickyg at fawnridge dot com
Judy's Beauty will be making the trip :)


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We'll see how much of this stuff will fit in the Queen Mary for the trip over next week.
Pic 1: Col Gilbert Cutler, Pink Eburnium, Thos Edison, Cornelius ?, Mystery green and yellow w/ red petiole.
Pic 2: Two un-named from Bradenton area - a yellow/green variety and a colorful one; both have same leaf shapef, size, etc. One is probably a sport off the other. Mosaic, Madame Butterfly.
Pic 3: Joanna Roof, Geisha Girl, Cronstadt


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Looks great Phil,I will be bidding on a few of those myself :)

We'll see how much of this stuff will fit in the Queen Mary for the trip over next week.
Pic 1: Col Gilbert Cutler, Pink Eburnium, Thos Edison, Cornelius ?, Mystery green and yellow w/ red petiole.
Pic 2: Two un-named from Bradenton area - a yellow/green variety and a colorful one; both have same leaf shapef, size, etc. One is probably a sport off the other. Mosaic, Madame Butterfly.
Pic 3: Joanna Roof, Geisha Girl, Cronstadt
I have just finished sorting out the crotons I will be bringing,i am now up to 10 :)
First pic has Zulu,then Thai Hybrid and a nice Ovalifolium behind those are a big Inca and Tickled Pink
Second pic has Cornbread then a nice Unknown and General Marshall behind those are Joe friday and Pinnochio


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Ok but would Saturday and Sunday be good days to hunker down and board up windows? Just sayin'. The new 5AM advisory has Miami and Ft. Lauderdale in the crosshairs. I think it's going to curve back out to sea over the Bahamas but you never know.
Ray - We've already had our 3 hurricanes. There are no more of them coming to Boca Raton. As for the rest of the state, I doubt this one will make it across Cuba. It's the one that's behind Isaac that has me concerned. Take a look at the size of the next wave and you'll see what I mean.
Ray.....apparantly some of these guys have never experienced a hurricane before. Personally, I'm watching the TV every moment I can get and will see how it progresses later through the week. If it's iffy, there won't be no party for me, my house and property is a little more important.
The 11am update has the track shifting further west. Ray, you probably stand the best chance of getting a direct hit out of all of us. The interesting change, other than direction, is that it is now forecast to come off Cuba as a tropical storm. All of the earlier tracks had it maintaining hurricane strength across Cuba.

I will make the decision to go or no go on Friday morning with the 8am advisory. As of now, the party is still on and I hope everyone is still coming.
As of 8am this morning, Isaac's projected track has moved even further west once it passes over Cuba. This is good news for all of us. Ray, you'll still have to deal with a bunch of blowhard politicians, but hopefully the storm will keep them pinned down to a small area of town.
Friday afternoon I'm leaving a guest list with the gate at my development. Come any time after 8:45. If you were here at the last gathering there have been much growth & changes. Ricky & I are in West Boca Raton, so If you might attend last minute, call my cell (954) 292-3095 & I'll call you in.

***Free Hurricane Supplies to All Attendees***
1- bottle of water
1- battery of your choice (from my battery box)

Park in the driveway or on the swale. Oh yeah, don't bother ringing the bell. Just come on in the front door under the bamboo!
After it passes by Florida, Isaac is going to stall in the mountains of North Carolina. It's going to wait for the other blowhards in Charlotte next month.

If I had the slightest last minute inclination of attending the meeting, Isaac has tipped the scales the other way. Until we're out of the cone, this thing could still hit any area of Florida. I have a feeling Phil and the other folks over here will also stay close to home.
Having lived through Francis, Jeanne, and Wilma (odd that they were all females) I don't blame anyone who would opt to stay home and protect life and limb versus coming here on Saturday. That having been said, the weather forecast and computer models are certainly working in our favor. 8:00 am tomorrow will tell the tale, but I've already taken the pork out to defrost.

No matter what they say the storm keeps heading further and further west :) I would not be surprised if it missed FL completely.Right now the main convection is closer to Aruba than the DR

Having lived through Francis, Jeanne, and Wilma (odd that they were all females) I don't blame anyone who would opt to stay home and protect life and limb versus coming here on Saturday. That having been said, the weather forecast and computer models are certainly working in our favor. 8:00 am tomorrow will tell the tale, but I've already taken the pork out to defrost.

The center is undefined but the storm is wide. It will dwarf Florida when it gets here, and we are on the bad semi-circle. The ground is already very saturated. Maybe it will remain weak, maybe not.