Croton morea question


Hello fellow croton lovers. My name is Genifer & I am new to this site. I bought a beautiful morea croton @ Walmart & I was wondering how much sun it can take. Right now I have it on my screened back porch where it gets about 3-4 hours of morning sun. I would love for it to develop it's full potential colors & I was wondering if it needs more or less sun for that. Thanks
Welcome, Genifer you are entering the fog of name this croton. If you can post a photo and the fun will begin. When you are ready to add to your croton collection (road trip) come to Florida we have a great group and can be talked out of a freebie.
Welcome Genifer,3-4 morning hours sound just fine.Remember to keep it well watered.Post a picture and we all will try to help you with the ID as Morea is probably not the common name for your plant :)

Hello fellow croton lovers. My name is Genifer & I am new to this site. I bought a beautiful morea croton @ Walmart & I was wondering how much sun it can take. Right now I have it on my screened back porch where it gets about 3-4 hours of morning sun. I would love for it to develop it's full potential colors & I was wondering if it needs more or less sun for that. Thanks
I would love to be able to take a trip to Florida. Maybe I can at least try for a weekend. I tried to post some pics but I couldn't figure out how to. I'm going to try again now.


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Thanks for the welcome. My girls & I appreciate it. All my plants are girls with names. So far I have about 10 & I'm always trying to add. If I see one that I don't have it becomes my mission to acquire it. I was in Walmart where they had a very sickly Lauren's Rainbow that I had to take home cuz it hurt my heart to see it so sick. She is doing good now with some new growth.


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This one looks like Van Buren,once it gets some more size and color we will know for sure

I would love to be able to take a trip to Florida. Maybe I can at least try for a weekend. I tried to post some pics but I couldn't figure out how to. I'm going to try again now.
Genifer - a warm welcome to the forum. Please keep posting.

Morea was a croton name that I was unfamilar with. I Googled it and could only find multiples of the same image. It was a 3.5" rooted cutting that was difficult to ID because of its size. It looked like a Buddy or perhaps Norma to me. It is not uncommon to "re-name" a croton for marketing purposes. I gotta agree that the photo you posted looks like a Van Buren. If it grows fast and you get some nice pink stirations, its a Van Buren.

Many from this forum get together from time to time and we have garden tours. I know you live a distance but you could expand your collection of some very nice cultivars rapidly if you attended. Some beauties you would never encounter commercially.

Once again, welcome ;):D

Genifer Welcome! Was that one of those "Exotic Angel Plants"? Exotic Angel Plants have a few made up names for their Crotons.
Genifer - a warm welcome to the forum. Please keep posting.

Morea was a croton name that I was unfamilar with. I Googled it and could only find multiples of the same image. It was a 3.5" rooted cutting that was difficult to ID because of its size. It looked like a Buddy or perhaps Norma to me. It is not uncommon to "re-name" a croton for marketing purposes. I gotta agree that the photo you posted looks like a Van Buren. If it grows fast and you get some nice pink stirations, its a Van Buren.

Many from this forum get together from time to time and we have garden tours. I know you live a distance but you could expand your collection of some very nice cultivars rapidly if you attended. Some beauties you would never encounter commercially.

Once again, welcome ;):D

Thanks. I would love to be able to come down there & attend a get together. Maybe I can arrange that before my kids go back to school if y'all have one. I would love to see it develop some nice pink though.
Those are beautiful & the one on the bottom left definitely looks like the one I have. I have another one I have a question about what it is. I'm going to post a pic of it. I got it from a very small plant place close by that only knew they were crotons & not specifics. I think it could possibly be Eleanor Roosevelt from my research but I'm not sure.