Change e-mail address


Esteemed Member
Can't find where you change your e-mail address. Same situation on Palm Talk. Tried to re-register, that did not work. :mad:

Oh well, I had a life prior to this forum. :p
Ron, Click on User CP , next click on Edit Email & Password in the Control Panel.
Can't find where you change your e-mail address. Same situation on Palm Talk. Tried to re-register, that did not work. :mad:

Oh well, I had a life prior to this forum. :p
Where is the Moose ?​


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The MooseMan is probably lost in the web wilderness. I don't know if he ever got around to getting an email address. If anyone knows if he did and what it is, they should probably get hold of him. If he hasn't cleared his cache, he could be pointed to the old address and just thinks we are having troubles. But without a valid email address he can't re-register or anything. But he should be able to view.

Ray, not sure what you mean. But keep in mind the Wiki and the Forum are two separate items for now. They both require their own logins. The wiki is asking for a one time email verification before allowing you to edit, if that is what you mean. The forum should be as is - or as was.
Ray, still not sure if you are referring to the wiki or the forum. There was no need to "change" your forum email - only assure that it was valid. Having a valid email is necessary for times when you may have lost or forgotten your username or password. It was especially important because of the upgrade.

The wiki was a different story. A new email verification was made necessary to do any posting or editing there. For anyone interested, securing the wiki from spammers and hackers is infinitely more difficult than the forum. And that was the reason.
You don't! Are you trying to confuse us all now by trying to use a different name. We got enough confusion with this crazy plant and its various names, etc.

onward through the fog....
You don't! Are you trying to confuse us all now by trying to use a different name. We got enough confusion with this crazy plant and its various names, etc.

onward through the fog....

Phil - I'm want to drop the "knuckle". Its past due. I've already made the change on Palm Talk. I'm known simply as 'the Moose" anyways. The Moose ain't going anywhere, God willing. :)