K kurt decker Well-Known Member 138 10/12/13 31 48 ft lauderdale Nov 21, 2015 #1 Dr. Larry Levinson with his dreadlocks hedge. An impressive group of crotons Attachments 20151118_171302.jpg 154.6 KB · Views: 125
J Jeff Searle Well-Known Member 2,354 26/08/08 79 88 South Florida, USA Nov 21, 2015 #2 Wow...those are nice, and big! They probably have never seen a pair of Felco's or aluminum I'm guessing, right? Lol.
Wow...those are nice, and big! They probably have never seen a pair of Felco's or aluminum I'm guessing, right? Lol.
K kurt decker Well-Known Member 138 10/12/13 31 48 ft lauderdale Nov 24, 2015 #4 They don't get trimmed except for shape. Those bare trunks are kentiopsis. All that stuff has been in the ground for 15 years
They don't get trimmed except for shape. Those bare trunks are kentiopsis. All that stuff has been in the ground for 15 years