Another find!!!


Active Member
So while taking a shortcut in the area I live in by North Bay Village, a croton caught my eye.
Turns out it is a Cronstadt, and there are three plants in the yard, all over 6 feet tall :)

I know its a shitty pic, but best I could do with the phone!


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Wow, what an awesome find! And three plants over 6' tall? Are you sure? It does look like Cronstadt from your picture though. I remember John Bender having a bunch of these in front of his house in a raised planter box, and how nice they looked.

And Rob, your not a rookie anymore(barely), so start carrying your croton " survival bag" with you at all times. This would include,

some sort of GPS
different size bags for your cuttings
a quality camera, other than your phone
money (very important)

And always, never approach a house if you think some woman might come out with a machete in hand, could get ugly!

All and all, a good find. I'll give you a B- rating.

Wow, what an awesome find! And three plants over 6' tall? Are you sure? It does look like Cronstadt from your picture though. I remember John Bender having a bunch of these in front of his house in a raised planter box, and how nice they looked.

And Rob, your not a rookie anymore(barely), so start carrying your croton " survival bag" with you at all times. This would include,

some sort of GPS
different size bags for your cuttings
a quality camera, other than your phone
money (very important)

And always, never approach a house if you think some woman might come out with a machete in hand, could get ugly!

All and all, a good find. I'll give you a B- rating.

... razor knife,
root tone,
heavy duty aluminum foil :eek:
Rob - your cuttings in the mist house at Jeff's caught my eye the other day. They look real good and need to get stepped up into a larger container in my opinion. Very nice! :cool:

Aaaah ... don't forget the Moose. :p


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