I am rather inexperienced in regards to palms, but a few years ago purchased a seedling while on vacation, which grew fairly rapidly and I enjoyed having. Alas, it didn't survive my absence on the next vacation.
I have tried to find the same palm to try again, but wasn't able to determine the species. I now have a Neanthe Bella (Chamaedorea elegans), which, at least as a seedling, isn't too dissimilar, but it is definitely not the same species. The previous palm definitely grew faster, and was significantly darker green. I also believe the leaves were a bit longer and narrower... but that's more impression than certainty.
Now for the part that's making me question my sanity... I remember the previous plant's new growth splitting into two pinnate leaves... but nothing I've found indicates any palms do that. Specifically, the new leaf grew straight up looking like a blade of grass, split into two stems that then bent apart, then had the pinnate leaflets split.
The only thing that seems remotely similary is a thread in this forum entitled 'twin spears'. This species apparently frequently has two seperate spears growing at once, though not the same leaf splitting.
Does anyone know of a palm species that grows pairs of pinnate leaves? Is there a term for this?
I am rather inexperienced in regards to palms, but a few years ago purchased a seedling while on vacation, which grew fairly rapidly and I enjoyed having. Alas, it didn't survive my absence on the next vacation.
I have tried to find the same palm to try again, but wasn't able to determine the species. I now have a Neanthe Bella (Chamaedorea elegans), which, at least as a seedling, isn't too dissimilar, but it is definitely not the same species. The previous palm definitely grew faster, and was significantly darker green. I also believe the leaves were a bit longer and narrower... but that's more impression than certainty.
Now for the part that's making me question my sanity... I remember the previous plant's new growth splitting into two pinnate leaves... but nothing I've found indicates any palms do that. Specifically, the new leaf grew straight up looking like a blade of grass, split into two stems that then bent apart, then had the pinnate leaflets split.
The only thing that seems remotely similary is a thread in this forum entitled 'twin spears'. This species apparently frequently has two seperate spears growing at once, though not the same leaf splitting.
Does anyone know of a palm species that grows pairs of pinnate leaves? Is there a term for this?