What has red ringed trunks in a clump and fan leaves?


Well-Known Member
I saw it in Singapore...on TV. Red like a lipstick palm- or nearly that red- and green fan palm fronds not feathers.
What does that sound like? Would it make a good houseplant?
Sounds like it could be fake. And yes, those make great houseplants. :moonwalker:

I think I would know if there were such a palm - as I would want one badly. How big around do you think the trunks were, and how tall was it?
Stan, How large was the palm? The only thing that pops in my mind (and its a long shot) is that it could be a group planting of Latania lontaroides with the red petioles that it has when the palm is young giving the illusion of a red trunk. Check out the photos of the young ones in the palm Wiki. If that is not it, the palm is fake as Dean stated.
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No,it was real,but my view could have been deceiving. I should have posted as fast as I saw it to let others get a chance to check it out.
It was outdoors. If you see House Hunters International and the episode of the young couple that has monkeys climbing into their balcony from telephone wires? THAT'S the one.
I know- sounds unbelievable..I saw it,and never saw anything like it. Freeze framed it looked,red,and palmate fronds and a clumping trunk about as round as large Dypsis lutescens. So,not large by fan palm standards.
I must have seen wrong..but if you catch that episodes..look for it. Stood out like a red thumb.
Was this a recent episode? I looked at the HGTV listing and they show "Spending More In Singapore" aired Sunday Dec 17 and that episode will air again Dec 31 @ 9:30 AM for me.
I wondering- are they put on Utube or Hulu? You might find it there...they have the older Asian real estate woman in a blue dress showing them . They couldn't have done more then a pair of Singapore shows in the shows history.
I'm going to have make a follow up.in weeks or months. They will repeat it- that was the second time I saw it- and I have the series on record.
For $1.99 ontve.com has all the shows...but I couldn't navigate the site. It just kept repeating another episode even if the title said Singapore.
Even then if I see it the best I can do is give the episode number.
btw- I've seen the Lipstick palm in many episodes in Costa Rica. They were different.
One last- Maybe somebody in Singapore painted their clumping fan something's trunks red-orange? Still,looked natural not painted.