The Propagation of an Anthocleista grandiflora


Staff member
I had always admired this big leafed tree at my neighbors. Peter Griffith was nice enough to ID it for me, during a recent visit. His excitement made my quest to find one that much more intense. Because it can survive in So. California, and is not a huge tree, it should hold much interest for the temperate suburban tropical looking landscape.

My neighbor had three, and was going to cut down the smallest one of about 8 feet. With her permission, I thought I would try and move it, but before I could return, she cut it down. :( She then mentioned she had some "suckers" on another tree, and I was welcome to them. So about 6-8 weeks ago I watched as she ripped up what appeared to be a long (5 ft) surface root with about four small "suckers" growing from it at about 1 foot intervals.

I cut the root into sections that had one of these suckers on each. Three went into pots, and the forth, along with a remaining two foot section of bare root was placed in some potting soil to be later planted directly into the ground if these suckers survived.

They wilted badly for a few weeks, but all have now showed signs of new growth. Here are some pics to chronicle the attempt. The first two are pics of the mother tree. The next two are pics of the three suckers/cuttings in pots, along with the bare rooted one ready for the ground with new root growth visible. You can also see the long section of bare root that is apparently still alive.


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In these next photos you can first see the new growth from the tip of the bare rooted sucker immediately destined for the ground. It is hard to see in the next pic, but the section of bare root has what appears to be another sprouting 'knob' starting to protrude. The last pic shows the just planted Antho along with the soon to be covered section of root, that I hope will yield another sucker or two.

Perhaps this may be another way to propagate this attractive species. I'll post some more pics in about 6 months, and we'll see how all these have grown.


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It reminds me of something else that Peter posted at the 'other' forum. Very similar leaf arrangement and growing habit. I can't remember what it is called now. What is it, Peter ?? :)

Regards, Ari :)
so how big will this tree grow? Could it be grown in south Fl? I like the leaf shape.
This tree should feel right at home in So. Florida. I think it wouldn't get a whole lot bigger than the pics at the beginning of this thread, but the leaves will stay very large.

I'll try and get some recent pics, as it is finally starting to grow a few new leaves. It has been rather slow to get established.
I want one as well. I have the room. Of course, if I keep planting these giant trees I won't have any room or sun in my yard! But that means no grass, right? More big trees!

I don't think these can really be classified as "big trees." Although the leaves are very large, I don't think these get massive trunks, or great spreading canopy. But I'm just guessing by what I have seen so far.

In other words, you may not be sacrificing as much area as you think with these "guys."

Thanks for the info. That means I could plant more than 1 - like 2 or 3.:)

Now all I have to do is find one or 2 - before Jeff does!